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The EU-Mercosur agreement: increasing pesticide use and GMOs, and undermining healthy food production and standards
The EU-Mercosur agreement is inconsistent with the EU’s recently announced Farm-to-Fork Strategy, which aims to dramatically reduce pesticide use and completely ban any residue on food of pesticides not registered for use in the EU.
RCEP has limited trade gains and ignores labour and human rights
Australia’s recent signature of the RCEP has attracted world attention for its significance in consolidating Asia-Pacific geopolitical relations. But in celebrating this agreement, we seem to have forgotten its unfinished business regarding labour and human rights.
Why is Europe quiet about Thailand’s protests?
Sources say that Brussels is keeping its powder dry in case the situation deteriorates further in Thailand. Yet it doesn’t want to annoy Bangkok pre-emptively lest it weakens relations.
Labour rights key to resuming EU-Thailand trade talks
With a possible resumption of talks on the EU-Thailand free trade agreement on the cards, the European Union is being urged to require labour reform as a precondition to negotiations.
EU parks trade deal with Mercosur over environmental concerns
As European nations express environmental concerns, the ratification of the EU-Mercosur trade deal isn’t even close to starting.
Time is ticking to stop the EU-Mercosur trade deal
For the EU Commission to remain steadfast in supporting this deal, whilst simultaneously tabling an increase of the EU’s 2030 climate target, is entirely contradictory.
Are EU-China trade relations at a crossroads?
European leaders were angry about Xinjiang camps and the Hong Kong crackdown. A long-awaited EU-China summit produced sharper rhetoric but nothing substantive as the bloc struggles to find a coherent approach to China.
Amazon, Bolsonaro, cattle: the ABC’s of destruction
The Amazon is under attack but the Canadian government plans to continue negotiating a Canada-Mercosur free trade agreement with Brazil. But you can do something about it.
Rights activists want Swiss-Chinese trade deal to be overhauled
Campaigners are urging the Swiss government to renegotiate a six-year-old free trade agreement with China to try to improve human rights and labour conditions for its Uighur Muslim minority.
Cambodia loses EU trade privileges as it rushes FTA with China
The European Union enforced trade sanctions against Cambodia in response to human rights violations, prompting the government to turn to China.
Calls for Australia to axe free trade deal with Hong Kong amid China crackdown
The Federal Government is facing calls to axe its free trade deal with Hong Kong after suspending Australia’s extradition agreement with the city.
Swiss ‘Stop Palm Oil’ plea ready for referendum consideration
Activists in Switzerland are calling for a ‘Stop Palm Oil’ referendum opposing the Swiss free trade agreement (FTA) with Indonesia. They submitted thousands of signed petitions to the Federal Chancellery in Bern on Monday.
Planned EU trade deal with Mercosur threatens climate, environmental protection and human rights
The agreement could have serious ecological and human rights repercussions, new study warns.
EU failed to consider environmental and social impacts of South American trade deal: complaint
The European Commission has ignored its legal obligation to ensure the trade agreement with the ‘Mercosur’ group of South American countries will not lead to social, economic, environmental degradation and human rights violations.
Democratic-led US House panel opposes any US trade deal with Brazil
The US House Ways and Means Committee said it opposed pursuing any type of trade agreement with the Bolsonaro government in Brazil, given its record on human rights and the environment.
The EU-Mercosur trade agreement: What is it, and what could it mean for forests and human rights?
This briefing is meant to provide a discussion for NGOs in Brazil who want to understand the implications of this deal for people and forests and take action.
Justice and reparation: the struggle of Chevron-affected communities in COVID-19 times
Indigenous communities call for international solidarity to support for the vindication of rights of the comunities and peoples affected by corporate impunity and their struggle for a dignified life.
The true cost of the EU-Mercosur trade deal
The EU-Mercosur trade deal comes at a tremendous expense for people and the planet. Dire consequences are looming both on regional and global levels.
The EU must review the premises of its free-trade agreement with Mercosur
Environmental safeguards within the agreement, which were already insufficient even before COVID-19, have now made the document outdated.
Crimes against Human Rights and the renegotiation of the free trade agreement Chile-EU
As is the case in all of the treaties, the parts that are not directly related to trade are non-binding, as the chapter on human rights is.