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Lawmakers are using trade rules to blacklist critics of Israel
Legislation to fast track new trade pacts specifically targets supporters of the BDS movement against the Israeli occupation.
US Congress passes anti-BDS legislation, key trade bill
The so-called trade promotion authority bill passed by Congress requires US negotiators to make the rejection of the BDS campaign a principal trade objective in negotiations with the European Union.
How EU-US trade deal could thwart “boycott Israel” campaign
Two members of the US Congress have introduced a bill that would turn a giant trade deal between the EU and US into a devastating weapon against the people of Palestine and all those seeking justice alongside them.
AIPAC behind new US/EU trade legislation designed to thwart BDS
AIPAC is behind the draft US legislation that would make the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership being negotiated between the US and EU conditional on whether the EU takes action to stop BDS, according to US sources.
US bill seeks to tie massive trade pact to EU rejection of BDS
A new US Congressional bill, "The Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act", seeks to make rejection of BDS a requirement for Washington to sign TTIP.
Ashrawi praises MEPs call on suspending EU-Israel Association Agreement
"It is time for the EU to reconsider its political and trade relations with Israel and agreements, including the EU-Israel Association Agreement which Israel has persistently violated,” PLO Executive Committee member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi said.
Powerlessness and confusion: The EU and Israel
EU’s trade policy with Israel continues to be business as usual, including trade in military hardware.
Where are the EU sanctions on Israel?
EU inaction is likely to further bolster the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement if it is seen as the only effective avenue for European rejection of Israeli policies.
EU must cease “material support” for Israel’s crimes, say leading trade unions
The huge number of mainstream organizations that are calling for the suspension of the EU-Israel association agreement reflects the growing frustration across Europe with the failure of European governments to respond to Israel’s repeated massacres and violations of international law.
309 human rights groups call on EU to hold israel accountable for war crimes in Gaza
More than 300 human rights groups, trade unions and political parties from across Europe called on the EU to hold Israel accountable for its massacre committed in Gaza earlier this year by suspending the EU-Israel Association Agreement, the main treaty between the EU and Israel.
End "booming military trade" between EU and Israel, say Palestinian rights groups
The European Union’s key trade and political agreement with the European Union should be suspended in response to the recent attack on Gaza, according to 24 Palestinian campaign groups.
EU must tear up association agreement with Israel
After a visit to the Makassed Islamic Charitable Hospital in East Jerusalem where they met victims of Israel’s latest attack on Gaza, GUE/NGL MEPs are calling for an immediate end to the EU-Israeli association agreement.
An urgent challenge for the BDS movement
On July 10, the Palestinian BDS National Committee issued a call: "We urge people of conscience to intensify their pressure on governments to impose a military embargo on Israel and to suspend free trade and bilateral agreements with it until it fulfills its obligations under international law."
EU bans poultry exports from illegal Israeli settlements
Palestinian civil society has today welcomed reports that the EU will no longer allow poultry and eggs from illegal Israeli settlements to enter the EU, in what amounts to the first EU ban on any Israeli products.
Israel: A bitter harvest
The EU, Israel’s biggest trading partner, is preparing EU-wide guidelines for the labelling of goods made at settlements as originating from Israeli-occupied Palestinian land. The measure would affect $300m of Israeli exports, according to a World Bank estimate.
European lawmakers urge suspension of agreement with Israel
Palestinian official news agency WAFA reports that European parliamentarians wrote European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton last week calling on her to suspend the Association Agreement with Israel because of the latter’s violation of the terms of the agreement.
EU trade policy cannot ignore the Geneva conventions: the European Parliament must reject the ACAA protocol with Israel
Civil society statement calling fpr rejection of the Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products protocol attached to the European Union-Israel Association Agreement
Egypt still considering free-trade zone with Gaza: Hamas official
While Palestinian Authority claims Cairo has ’given up’ on proposal for Egypt-Gaza free-trade zone, deputy head of Hamas’ political bureau tells Ahram Online otherwise
Hamas appeals to Egypt over closure of smuggling tunnels
Egypt’s crackdown on smuggling tunnels along its border with the Gaza Strip is making shortages ever tighter. Hamas officials asked Egypt late on Monday to consider alternative trade routes, such as a free trade zone, a direct deal that could boost Hamas tax revenues and circumvent rival Fatah’s and Israel’s control of official imports to Gaza.
The European Parliament is rewarding Israel’s human rights violations
On 18 September 2012, the European Parliament Committee on International Trade (INTA) passed the Protocol on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products (ACAA) by a slim margin.