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Farmers to lobby King over FTA
Dairy farmers across the country have pledged to petition His Majesty the King for help as part of their objection to the government’s freetrade agreement (FTA) with Australia, the chairman of a dairy farmer’s cooperative group said yesterday.
Shin Satellite denies benefiting from pact
Shin Satellite has strongly denied allegations that it would benefit from the Thai-Australian free trade area (FTA) deal, saying that Australia had already opened its telecom market for full competition and the company had entered the market seven years ago.
Australia-US Free Trade Deal a Disaster
President Bush promised the Australian government an economic sweetener in exchange for support of the U.S. led invasion, and under fast track authority Congress must vote up or down on the Australia U.S. Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) by early July.
Big FTA stoush brewing on copyright
A full-scale political stoush is brewing over intellectual property provisions in the Australia-US free trade agreement following the passage of enabling legislation last week.
Reports highlight costs of free trade deal
Politicians from Australia’s opposition party could try to derail the Australian-US Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) after a Senate select committee claimed the deal could push up drugs prices and give copyright owners in Australia even more protection than they enjoy in the US.
Doctors urge US to oppose FTA
A doctors group has written to American lawmakers urging them to oppose the Australia-United States free trade agreement (FTA).
THAI-AUSTRALIA FTA: 1,500 dairy farmers to protest
Around 1,500 farmers from 10 dairy co-operatives will gather at Kasetsart University today to repeat their call for the government to withdraw dairy products from the free-trade agreement with Australia.
Aus-NZ Closer Economic Relations: Sutton welcomes proposal to liberalise CER rules
Trade Negotiations Minister Jim Sutton today welcomed a new report saying rules governing trans-Tasman trade should be liberalised as they are too restrictive.
China-Australia: Free trade foreplay to speed up
Australia and China have agreed to accelerate overtures that could lead to a free-trade agreement, after talks between Trade Minister Mark Vaile and top-ranking Chinese ministers in Beijing.
Prescriptions may rise 30% under FTA: academic
The free trade agreement with the United States would lead to Australians paying 30 per cent more for prescription drugs, a leading American academic warned today.
FTA undermines principle of affordable drugs for all
The Australian Senate should delay implementing legislation for the Free Trade Agreement with the US. Countries such as Brazil and Thailand, with large generic pharmaceutical industries, are looking to Australia for leadership in countering this US bilateral push for global uniformly of high pharmaceutical prices through aggressive intellectual property (IP) protection.
PICTA, PACER and EPAs: Where are we going?
It has been a relatively easy matter for Pacific Islands Country (PIC) governments to sign regional trade agreements such as PICTA (Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement - excluding Australia and New Zealand) and PACER (Pacific Agreement for Closer Economic Relations - including Australia and NZ.)
Thailand Trade Talks with Australia Wraps Up
Thailand and Australia have completed talks on establishing a bilateral free trade area (FTA) agreement, and the pact will go before the Thai cabinet for approval within the next two weeks, according to Deputy Commerce Minister Pongsak Raktapongpaisal.
Australia, China FTA talks progressing rapidly
Talks on a free trade agreement between Australia and China are moving faster than was anticipated, foreign minister Alexander Downer said today.