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Thais lift ban on GMO planting, will regulate trials
Thailand has lifted a three-year ban on planting genetically modified organisms (GMOs) by allowing the crops to grow in open-field trials with non-GMO plants.
POLICY REVERSAL: Green light for GMOs
Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday bestowed the government’s tacit blessing on the planting and trading of genetically modified (GM) crops by revoking an earlier ban on their commercial use, in defiance of wide opposition from farmers, environmentalists and consumer networks.
Thousands in Panama protest free trade talks
Thousands of students, activists and farmers marched through downtown Panama City Thursday to protest U.S.-Panama free trade talks taking place in another part of the city.
Jamaica: Sugar protest
Trade unions which represent sugar industry employees plan to stage peaceful demonstrations outside the European Union delegation offices this week to help press Jamaica’s case for more time to adjust to Europe’s planned sharp reduction in the price it pays Caribbean countries for sugar.
CAFTA: Recolonizing Central America
Managua, Nicaragua — "Prices are so low we have to grow more and more just to meet ends." That’s how a leader of a new Nicaraguan campesino organization, FEDICAMP, describes the current situation for small farmers here.
URGENT: Stay GE-Free: Reject the US-Australia FTA
If Howard and Bush’s so-called ’free trade’ deal is confirmed by the Australian parliament and senate (WHICH CAN ONLY HAPPEN IF THE ALP VOTES WITH THE GOVERNMENT), genetically engineered crops and foods will be forced down our throats and onto our farms, and our hopes for GE-free Australia will end!!
Philippines: Market access for fruits sought in FTA with Japan
The Department of Agriculture will work for a better market for tropical vegetables in a proposed Philippines-Japan free trade agreement (FTA) as Japan is believed to be more inclined to favor tropical vegetables grown by small farmers over tropical fruits grown by multinational companies that already widely dominate its market.
Mandatory checks on Chinese fruit
The Agriculture Ministry will soon require selected lots of apples and pears from China to pass mandatory tests for chemical residues, pests, micro-organisms and heavy metals before they can enter the country.
Thailand’s free trade tactics under fire
Thailand’s free-trade agreement (FTA) tactics are under fire for being opaque and shrouded in secrecy. Critics worry such methods are handing Thailand a poor deal, perhaps working to serve minority vested interests, and may even be undermining the informal social safety net provided by the country’s agriculture.
Farmers to lobby King over FTA
Dairy farmers across the country have pledged to petition His Majesty the King for help as part of their objection to the government’s freetrade agreement (FTA) with Australia, the chairman of a dairy farmer’s cooperative group said yesterday.
Australia-US Free Trade Deal a Disaster
President Bush promised the Australian government an economic sweetener in exchange for support of the U.S. led invasion, and under fast track authority Congress must vote up or down on the Australia U.S. Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) by early July.
The FTA: A regulatory framework transcending the constitution and democracy
Contrary to the widespread notion, fundamental aspects of the FTA with the US include a number of areas that are highly comprehensive and have ramifications and implications that go way beyond simply regulating cross-border trade in goods.
THAI-AUSTRALIA FTA: 1,500 dairy farmers to protest
Around 1,500 farmers from 10 dairy co-operatives will gather at Kasetsart University today to repeat their call for the government to withdraw dairy products from the free-trade agreement with Australia.
Mexico free trade founders on Japan’s farmers
The failure of bilateral trade talks between Mexico and Japan on October 16 has shocked both sides, particularly Japan. The talks foundered on the question of what to do about Japan’s farmers, among the most highly subsidized in the world and the power base of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
Diplomatic gaffe during Chile trade deal
A diplomatic gaffe by "jet-lagged" Trade Minister Jim Sutton is thought unlikely to deter Chile from signing a three-way trade deal with New Zealand and Singapore next year.
Acuerdo Mercosur-UE clave para destrabar ALCA | EU-Mercosur deal key to unlocking FTAA
Un rápido acuerdo entre la Unión Europea (UE) y el bloque sudamericano Mercosur, que lidera Brasil,ayudaría a destrabar las negociaciones para crear el Area de LibreComercio de las Américas (ALCA) el 1 de enero próximo, tal como originalmente se planeó.
Panama Proposal Is One of Many: Onslaught of FTAs Threatens U.S. Sugar Industry
A representative of the American sugar industry cautioned the Office of the United States Trade Representative today that a proposed trade agreement with Panama cannot be viewed in isolation.
Japan and Mexico agree on conclusion of free-trade agreement
On March 12 Japan and Mexico reached virtual accord on the conclusion of a bilateral free-trade agreement following 16 months of negotiations.