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Election delays over FTA: Finalising the Indo-UK deal will have to await the incoming governments in both nations
India has a trade surplus of £7.4 billion. There are 26 chapters in the FTA, which include goods, services, investments and intellectual property rights.
UK urges Canada to ratify its entry into Pacific trade pact
A British trade official called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government to ratify the UK’s entry into a Pacific trade deal by the end of the year, despite opposition from some Canadian agriculture groups.
British government declares Western Sahara trade “legal” despite UN proposal rejection
The British government’s declaration of trade activities in Western Sahara as “legal” has stirred controversy, particularly in light of a proposal to establish a United Nations council for monitoring natural resources in the disputed territory.
The global laws that help corporations block climate action
Companies have long used international treaties to try to prevent Global South countries from asserting economic sovereignty. In recent decades, corporations have used such laws to stymie European governments’ attempts to tackle the climate crisis.
Ratification of Digital Trade Agreement with UK to deepen Ukraine’s participation in global economy – Svyrydenko
The ratification of the Digital Trade Agreement between Ukraine and the United Kingdom by the Verkhovna Rada will deepen Ukraine’s participation in global supply chains.
India, UK to resume FTA talks
The visit of the Indian delegation comes a month after both sides decided to take a pause in negotiations when Indian elections were announced on March 15.
UK says rules of origin deal with Canada probably won’t be extended
Britain said that post-Brexit trade arrangements with Canada that enable its carmakers to avoid high tariffs there were likely to expire next week, marking the latest deterioration in trade ties between the historic allies.
Update on UK-Switzerland enhanced free trade agreement
The fourth round of negotiations on a UK-Switzerland enhanced Free Trade Agreement took place in Bern, Switzerland from 4 to 8 March 2024.
Farmers ride tractors into central London in major protest over trade deals
The organisers claim trading arrangments will ‘decimate’ British farming and damage UK food security
UK & Oman FTAs likely in commerce ministry’s 100-day list
The conclusion of India’s free trade agreements with the UK and Oman are likely to be part of a 100-day action plan drawn up by the department of commerce for the next government.
S. Korea, Britain to hold new round of talks for upgrading FTA
South Korea was to hold the second round of negotiations with Britain for upgrading the bilateral free trade agreement in response to changing global trade and business circumstances.
New Pacific trade deal carries few benefits for the UK
Given the breadth of the policy areas that CPTPP accession will impact upon, how can UK membership have been subject to so little public debate? The answer is that the structures via which trade deals are negotiated and ratified are opaque and undemocratic.
Access for EVs, relaxation of business mobility contentious issues in UK FTA
India and UK remain deadlocked in free trade negotiations due to issues around EV access & business visas. EV concessions possible with investment commitments.
UK and Turkey open talks on new post-Brexit trade deal
The UK is looking to boost its services industry with a ‘modernised’ trade deal with Turkey.
Open letter: Suspending trade agreements and negotiations in response to the ICJ ruling on Gaza
UK groups call on the UK government to suspend trade privileges, agreements and negotiations with Israel.
UK signs trade pact with Texas in effort to boost green industry
The UK has signed a new trade pact with Texas, the second-largest state in the US, in an effort to boost cooperation in green energy, aerospace and advanced technologies.
UK team heads back to London with Round 14 of FTA talks still open
The understanding is that the fourteenth round of negotiations remains “open and progress continues” but the team did not get what was needed to close all the outstanding issues.
India, UK push to resolve FTA issues ahead of impending polls
India and the UK will make a last-ditch attempt in the coming days to iron out sticky issues and sign the free trade agreement (FTA).
UK negotiators fly to India in last-ditch effort to seal free-trade deal
A team of British negotiators led by a senior civil servant flew out with a mandate to resolve the goods and services chapters, which are among the thorniest outstanding issues in the talks.
EAC set to negotiate trade agreements with UK, UAE after EPA flops
At least seven countries have requested free trade arrangements with the East. African Community (EAC), as the bloc also intensifies efforts to expand the markets for its products.