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EU-Japan FTA: Why negotiations are far from over
Hopes that the three year-old negotiations between the EU and Japan towards a free trade agreement could be finalised by the end of this year are fading.
‘Nigeria’s problem with ECOWAS, EU deal self-inflicted’
The noise over perceived negative effects of the EPA between the European Union and ECOWAS on the Nigerian economy particularly the manufacturing sector is self-inflicted because Nigeria failed to do what it ought to do during the negotiations
APEC endorses regionwide pact
Leaders of 21 Asia-Pacific economies agreed to push forward with a wider free trade agreement, even as U.S. and China form their own free trade blocs to gain greater influence in the region.
Behind pomp of APEC summit, crushing poverty endures
Opponents argue the APEC agenda of liberalizing trade further strengthens wealthy nations at the expense of developing countries, who largely can only compete in low wage industries such as garment manufacturing.
Roundup: Civil society groups demand to be heard in building ASEAN
Civil society organizations are complaining that they are being shut out of the official process during a pivotal stage of ASEAN’s development, as it seeks to develop the ASEAN Economic Community
Shake it off – Break the TPP!
It is time to SHAKE OFF the mother of all corporate give-aways — the Trans Pacific Partnership, a.k.a. “the TPP”. Sing it, dance it, above all BREAK IT!
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the environment: an assessment of commitments and trade agreement enforcement
Like TPP, U.S. free trade agreement (FTA) formed in the past two decades have similarly promised meaningful and enforceable labor and environmental safeguards.
Stronger TPP support hammered out for beef, pork farmers
In a set of measures to cut the impact of trade liberalization under the planned Trans-Pacific Partnership accord, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party has included stronger support for loss-making beef and pork farmers
Japan to strengthen copyright protections in light of TPP
The Cultural Affairs Agency is considering revising the copyright laws after Japan and 11 other countries agreed to strengthen protection of intellectual property rights as part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.
Small businesses start to campaign against TTIP
Many small businesses are not convinced by the benefits of TTIP. Some of them have started to campaign, which for time-pressed small businesses, is quite a big thing.
Trans-Pacific Partnership investment chapter: maintaining important protections for U.S. investors overseas
The final text of the TPP’s Investment Chapter remains broadly consistent with other U.S. investment agreements and includes some important new language that is consistent with the U.S. Model BIT issued by the U.S. State Department
Japan-Mongolia FTA (2015)
EU-Singapore FTA (2015)
Authentic text as of May 2015
EU Trade Insight: Schulz and Lange push for inclusion of ICS in CETA – in brief
European Parliament President, Martin Schulz and Chair of the EP’s International Trade Committee, Bernd Lange said they wanted the Investment Court System (ICS) to be also part of the EU free trade agreement with Canada, known as CETA.
Next generation treaty
India’s new model BIT makes it clear that its goal is to accomplish more than investor protection.
Worried about the TPP? Australia is pushing another bad deal
Despite receiving little attention in Australia, efforts to establish a new regional trade agreement are raising eyebrows among Pacific neighbours
APEC ministers welcome progress in creating new trade zone
Ministers of 21 Asia-Pacific economies on Tuesday welcomed progress in efforts to establish a region-wide free trade zone as they wrapped up a two-day meeting in Manila.
Protests continue as Obama praises TPP at APEC summit
APEC has been overshadowed by South China Sea tensions and terrorism, but still as leaders discuss free trade, protesters slam them for worsening poverty.
Xi Jinping to APEC: Adopt China free trade policies, initiatives for Aspac inclusive growth
To address the global challenges faced by Asia Pacific economies, APEC businesses should adopt China’s free trade and investment agreements, policies, and initiatives, Chinese President Xi Jinping said
TPP fine print: Biotech seed companies win again
The TPP requires countries to join international patent treaties that serve the interests of global biotech seed companies.