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The mass people’s resistance against KorUS FTA has started - KoA | 29-November-2006

The Korean government repression that began on November 22nd is continuing to spread like a forest fire. However, the people’s struggle to block the KorUS FTA will not end here.

Anti-FTA protestors, police clash | 29-November-2006

Tens of thousands of anti-globalization demonstrators confronted police in Seoul and other cities, protesting a proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between Korea and the United States.

A critique of the Asian Peasant Coalition against JPEPA | 29-November-2006

Filipinos will just be getting crumbs for all the trouble and hardship that this agreement would entail. We urge the rural people to oppose JPEPA, launch campaign, education and action against the one-sided agreement. We call on our fellow farmers in Asia, especially in Japan, to help us campaign against this pact.

Thousands rally in South Korean capital against free trade with US | 26-November-2006

Thousands of South Korean workers demonstrated Saturday against a proposed free-trade agreement between their country and the United States.

Prohibirá Surcorea manifestaciones contra el TLC con EE.UU. | 24-November-2006

Seúl, 24 nov (PL) La policía surcoreana proyecta prohibir nuevas demostraciones contra el planeado Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) con Estados Unidos, según anunció hoy el comisionado general de ese cuerpo, Lee Taek-soon

Prosecution warns of crackdown on violent anti-FTA protests | 23-November-2006

South Korea’s state prosecution said Thursday it will clamp down on farmers and activists who stage violent protests against a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States.

S Korean workers protest US trade deal | 23-November-2006

Tens of thousands of South Korean workers held rallies and labor strikes Wednesday to oppose a free trade agreement with the United States and demand better working conditions.

Reject the Economic Partnership Agreement EU-ACP! | 22-November-2006

The member organizations of Via Campesina in Africa, in Europe and in the Caribbean consider that the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between the European Union (EU) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP) are a new threat for the peasants and small farmers in the four regions. We ask a definitive stop in the negotiations and the opening of a period of debate and analyses on the impacts of free-trade on our national agricultures. Alternatives based on the right to food sovereignty exist.

Pour la souveraineté alimentaire, refusons les Accords de Partenariat Economique UE-ACP ! | 22-November-2006

Les organisations membres de Via Campesina en Afrique, en Europe et dans les Caraïbes considèrent que les Accords de Partenariat Economique (APE) entre l’Union Européenne (UE) et les pays Afrique-Caraïbes-Pacifique (ACP) sont une nouvelle menace pour les petits producteurs dans les quatre régions. Nous demandons le blocage définitif du processus de négociation et l’ouverture d’une période de débats et d’analyses des impacts du libre-échange sur les agricultures nationales. Des alternatives basées sur le droit à la souveraineté alimentaire existent.

Americans protest US-Korea free trade agreement in Seoul | 22-November-2006

An American delegation of peace, labor and social justice activists led by Cindy Sheehan is in Seoul to join the nationwide mobilization against the US-Korea Free Trade Agreement currently being negotiated.

S Korea labor unions to launch general strike tomorrow to oppose FTA with US | 22-November-2006

The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) said that its members will launch a general strike tomorrow to pressure the government to halt free-trade talks with the US.

Protestarán por TLC Corea del Sur-Estados Unidos | 21-November-2006

Seúl, 21 nov (PL) Cientos de miles de personas en Corea del Sur fueron convocadas hoy a manifestar su oposición al proyectado Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos en las calles de 13 ciudades del país

Nationwide rallies against S Korea-US FTA set for Wednesday | 21-November-2006

South Korean activist groups said Tuesday that nationwide mass rallies against a free trade agreement (FTA) between South Korea and the United States are scheduled for late Wednesday.

An open letter from Colombia to US on free trade treaty | 17-November-2006

Not one single organization representing urban workers, rural workers, indigenous peoples, students, intellectuals and other popular sectors in Colombia supports the Free Trade Treaty with the United States.

Bolivia Social Forum to condemn FTA | 16-November-2006

The Social Summit for the People’s Integration, to be held in December in Cochabamba, will condemn Washington-encouraged free trade agreements, members of the organizing committee informed.

Cumbre Social en Bolivia condenará Tratados de Libre Comercio | 15-November-2006

Cochabamba, Bolivia, 15 nov (PL) La Cumbre Social para la Integración de los Pueblos, a celebrarse en esta ciudad en diciembre próximo, condenará los Tratados de Libre Comercio (TLC) impulsados por Washington, aseguraron hoy miembros del comité organizador.

FTA Watch calls on Prime Minister to stop all FTAs until law on international agreements is enacted | 15-November-2006

About 100 representatives from FTA Watch gathered in front of the Government House in Bangkok to submit a letter to PM Surayud Chulanont calling for a halt in all ongoing FTA negotiations and in signing the concluded ones.

Workshop on “Malaysia-US free trade agreement: Issues, implications and challenges” - summary report | 15-November-2006

Report of a workshop jointly organized by the Third World Network (TWN) and the Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) on 6 September 2006 in Kuala Lumpur. The workshop was attended by more than 100 participants representing government ministries and agencies, policy makers, NGOs, civil society groups, academics, local industries, professional bodies, trade unions, farmers and people living with HIV/AIDS.

Police alert over FTA demonstration | 15-November-2006

Protesters against a free trade agreement (FTA) between South Korea and the United States are planning to bring in hundreds of chartered buses to form a blockade in downtown Seoul during an upcoming demonstration.

Anti-FTA groups denied state subsidies | 13-November-2006

The Korean government will stop providing financial support to civic groups openly opposing the proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between South Korea and the United States, the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs said yesterday.

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