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Mujeres de blanco | 12-July-2007

Mujeres de Blanco es una organización de Costa Rica que está luchando de forma creativa, pacífica, ingeniosa y diferente.

Peru unions strike US trade deal | 11-July-2007

The Peruvian National Federation of Mining and Metallurgical Workers announced that they will adhere to the general strike of state teachers demanding salaries and against the Free Trade Treaty (FTT) with the United States.

Anuncian mineros peruanos su participación en huelga contra el TLC | 11-July-2007

La Federación Nacional de Trabajadores Mineros y Metalúrgicos de Perú anunció que se unirá a la huelga general de maestros estatales en reclamo de mejoras salariales y contra los Tratados de Libre Comercio

Protesta por fallo de CAFTA en Costa Rica | 6-July-2007

El referendo para decidir el futuro del acuerdo se realizará el 7 de octubre

Opositores al TLC de Panamá con EEUU piden referéndum y rechazan ratificación | 6-July-2007

El Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Construcción (SUNTRACS) y otros grupos sociales panameños se manifestaron este jueves frente a las instalaciones de la Presidencia del país, en contra de la ratificación del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) con Estados Unidos

Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) anti-FTA strike | 5-July-2007

Following three days of regional strikes on 25 June - 27 June, the Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) called a national metal workers’ strike on 28 June 2007 and again on 29 June 2007 in opposition to the signing of the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement. Over 110,000 (out of 150,000) KMWU members stopped production lines all over the country, with striking workers joining regional rallies throughout the peninsula on both days.

International protest letter against the arrests of co-chairs of KoA | 4-July-2007

On Tuesday, July 03, 2007, two Co-Chairs of the Korean Alliance
against the Korea-U.S. FTA, Oh Jong-ryul and Jung Gwang-hoon, were
arrested on charges of carrying out ’illegal’ and ’non-permitted’
protests against the free trade agreement between US and Korea. We call upon individuals and organziations to endorse this protest letter by 13 July 2007.

Peru: trade pact approved amid protests | 3-July-2007

On the evening of June 26, hundreds of people vigiled in Lima, Peru, to protest the efforts of the ruling Aprista party majority in Congress to push through the "addenda" of a free trade treaty between the US and Peruvian governments.

Tens of thousands protest signing of the Korea-US FTA | 2-July-2007

On June 29, tens of thousands of farmers, workers, and ordinary Korean people gathered throughout the country to protest the signing of the Korea-US FTA. Protests were held in major cities including Seoul, Cheonju, Gwangju, Daegu, Pusan and Changwon. In total, roughly 50,000 gathered in a powerful display of opposition to the Korea-US FTA.

Koreans at the first US Social Forum sign anti-FTA resolution | 1-July-2007

Koreans from all over the U.S. and abroad at the first ever U.S. Social Forum marked the official June 30 signing of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with an “anti-FTA signing ceremony”. Leaders of people’s movements from Korea and the U.S. spoke out against the devastating consequences of NAFTA-style free trade.