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Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on the U.S.- South Korea Trade Agreement | 30-June-2010

We remain deeply concerned about and strongly opposed to the U.S.-South Korea trade agreement as negotiated by the Bush Administration. The agreement would exacerbate our already lopsided trade relationship with South Korea, putting at risk thousands of good U.S. jobs in the auto, steel, and other industrial sectors.

IFG and allies rally for "New deal or no deal" at TPP talks in SF | 23-June-2010

International Forum on Globalisation protest at TPP negotiations in San Francisco

Trade deal must safeguard our sovereignty | 16-June-2010

A second round of negotiations towards the Transpacific Partnership Trade Agreement (TPPTA) is taking place this week in San Francisco. New Zealand is one of eight parties along with the US, Australia, Singapore, Chile, Peru, Brunei and Vietnam, and others may join.

Israel’s Freedom Flotilla Massacre underlines the urgency of intensifying BDS | 15-June-2010

We call on civil society organisations to pressure their governments to end free trade agreements (FTAs) with Israel, and implement an immediate arms embargo against it, as was called for previously by Amnesty International after Cast Lead

Straight talk across Palk Strait — “No FTAs”! | 15-June-2010

A joint India-Lanka people’s statement for cultivating peace and not free trade agreements

New deal or no deal! | 11-June-2010

Forum and rally against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in San Francisco, California, on 14 June 2010

Activists warn over EPAs deal | 9-June-2010

Over 15 fair trade lobby organisations have warned the East African Community leaders against signing the Framework Economic Partnerships Agreements (EPAs) with the European Union.

VI cumbre UE-ALC: propuestas para la nueva arquitectura financiera, Enlazando Alternativas | 1-June-2010

La Cumbre Alternativa de los Pueblos, “Enlazando Alternativas IV”, tiene como objetivo fortalecer nuevas convergencias solidarias entre nuestros pueblos, las resistencias populares emergentes y la construcción de un espacio político y de movilización birregional.

Attaque de la flottille humanitaire pour Gaza : l’Union Européenne doit agir | 1-June-2010

La Coordination Européenne Via Campesina demande à Catherine Ashton, Haute Représentante de l’UE pour les affaires étrangères et Vice-Présidente de la Commission Européenne, d’agir sans délai afin que l’UE suspende les accords commerciaux UE/Israël.

Flottille gaza : José Bové veut suspendre les partenariats avec Israël | 1-June-2010

L’eurodéputé a demandé « la suspension de tous les accords de partenariats économiques entre l’Union européenne et Israël et la réunion du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies pour faire appliquer, dans les plus brefs délais, les résolutions visant à la création d’un État palestinien ».