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Advisory: Massive rally on EU-India FTA in Delhi, 2 March | 28-February-2011

People living with HIV from across Asia who depend on affordable generic AIDS medicines to stay alive will urge the Indian government to stand strong against European Union demands on the sensitive intellectual property chapter in ongoing free trade agreement negotiations.

Mingas statement on Korea FTA | 26-February-2011

The US-Korea FTA must be opposed not only because of its own terrible effects on US and Korean workers, peoples and communities, but also because it would open the door to similar disastrous agreements with Panama and Colombia.

The EU-India free trade agreement: An interview with Loon Gangte | 23-February-2011

"It’s like an ant fighting an elephant. We are one of the weakest and poorest groups and they (the EU and the pharmaceutical industry) are among the richest and strongest."

Pacific region health groups urge TPP ministers to end harmful impact of FTAs on access to medicines | 18-February-2011

This week at the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement trade negotiations in Santiago de Chile, civil society stakeholders urged delegates to end the harmful impact of trade agreements on access to medicines, with this letter.

Solidarity in action: Unionists across North America to protest for Mexican workers’ rights | 18-February-2011

This week, people across the United States and Canada will demonstrate at Mexican consulates and embassies in protest of violations of the right to organize in Mexico. Of particular concern to protesters will be the bitter strikes and repression of unions representing miners and electrical workers, and the escalating practice of government and corporate entities forcibly installing company unions known there as “protection unions.”

EU Commission sued over privileging corporate lobby groups in EU-India trade talks | 15-February-2011

Today, Corporate Europe Observatory launched a legal action, suing the EU’s executive in the EU General Court for withholding documents related to the EU’s free trade talks with India. The Commission is accused of discriminating in favour of corporate lobby groups and of violating the EU’s transparency rules.

EU hauled to court over secrecy in India trade talks | 15-February-2011

Transparency campaigners have hauled the European Union’s executive to court for withholding documents about free trade talks with India, intensifying pressure on the bloc to make its policy-making less secretive.

Protesters want details of free-trade agreements | 14-February-2011

Protesters will descend on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade today as they join calls for the New Zealand Government to release Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free-trade agreement details.

EU-CH : Produits alimentaires et libre-échange | 9-February-2011

Ce n’est pas par nostalgie du protectionnisme que les agriculteurs s’opposent au libre-échange avec l’Union Européenne, s’insurge l’ASSAF-Suisse

Kenya joins drive to block new EU policy on ARVs | 8-February-2011

Kenyan activists have written to the European Union and the Kenya Government, protesting what they term damaging trade agreements such as the European Union-India Free Trade Agreement and the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. They say the pacts would damage the fight against Aids.

AGORA craint un accord plus large | 2-February-2011

Il y a urgence à renforcer la pression politique, non plus pour suspendre ou arrêter les négociations en cours sur le projet d’accord de libre-échange agricole entre Berne et Bruxelles, mais pour exclure l’agriculture des futures négociations bilatérales que souhaite Johann Schneider-Ammann.