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Free trade deal in Asia Pacific could hit labor, environment, public health | 1-February-2012

This week activists in Southern California are drawing attention to what they call secret negotiations taking place for a free trade deal shaping up in the Asia Pacific region.

Obama’s Free Trade Agreement: Backdoor deal with corporate America? | 31-January-2012

This week, in a $500 a night Beverly Hills Hotel, the Obama administration’s U.S. Trade Representative is gathering in secret with negotiators from around the world for a session that could create a whole new set of international trade rules: rules that favor the wealthy 1% of corporate interests.

Activists submit recommendations on EPA | 28-January-2012

Tanzania Ecumenical Dialogue Group (TEDG) has presented to the government a statement calling for Tanzania not to sign the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with Europe until contentious issues in its framework are sorted out.

Accord agricole Maroc-UE: Bové: «Nous ferons tout pour faire barrage» | 28-January-2012

Pour José Bové, l’accord agricole «est une catastrophe pour l’agriculture, une catastrophe pour l’emploi des deux côtés de la Méditerranée et c’est aussi une catastrophe écologique, car on sait qu’il faut 10 fois plus d’eau pour produire des tomates au Maroc qu’en Europe»

Network calls for rejection of free trade agreement | 18-January-2012

Fiji Network for Positive People believes that the Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS meeting will be an opportune time to advocate for continuing availability of generic Anti Retro Viral treatment in the face of threats from Free Trade Agreement negotiations.

A Memo for President Aquino | 11-January-2012

If indeed Philippine President Aquino accepts the invitation from European Commission President Barroso to visit Brussels this year, we would like to suggest at least two main discussion items

’Who is this workshop for?’ | 9-January-2012

Seven protesting farmers and fishermen barred from a government meeting on the Korea-US FTA are arrested in Jeju City, Jan. 9

México: Manifestación en contra del TLC | 3-January-2012

En la entrada del puente Paso del Norte, protestaron para crear conciencia sobre lo que ellos consideran injusticias económicas en México y EU.