Articles by language

Articles by language

  • 12-May-2010 ITN
    Pan American Energy takes Bolivia to ICSID over nationalization of Chaco Petroleum
    Anglo-Argentinean energy firm Pan American Energy has initiated arbitration against Bolivia over the nationalization of its subsidiary Chaco Petroleum by the Morales government in 2009.
  • 12-May-2010 UPI
    Brazil eyes French arms deal as Mercosur bargaining chip
    Brazil is positioning itself to use talks with France on a multibillion-dollar arms deal as a bargaining chip in Latin America’s fight for better terms for Mercosur agricultural exports to Europe, officials said.
  • 12-May-2010 República
    Nepal invites US official to sign TIFA
    Nepal has invited Deputy US Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis for signing Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), which the two countries negotiated out last month.
  • 12-May-2010 AFP
    Ten EU nations protest resumption of Mercosur talks
    Ten EU nations, led by France, protested in a statement to the entire EU Council that the resumption of free trade talks with the Latin American bloc Mercosur sends "a highly negative signal" for Europe’s struggling farm sector.
  • 12-May-2010 China Daily
    Free trade pact with Mongolia on the cards
    China has initiated feasibility studies for a free trade agreement (FTA) with Mongolia to further strengthen bilateral trade ties between the two nations, a top official from the Ministry of Commerce said on Tuesday.
  • 12-May-2010 Dow Jones
    Thai cabinet approves draft of free trade agreement with Chile
    The draft will be proposed for the approval of parliament before negotiations kick off.
  • 12-May-2010 CNA
    Business leaders to step up push for Asia-Pacific free trade area
    APEC’s business lobby, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council, will urge 21 government leaders to set a timetable for the creation of a regional free trade area later this year
  • 11-May-2010
    President hopes to sign FTA with Japan
    President Ma Ying-jeou said Tuesday that Japan is a major trading partner of Taiwan and that he hopes the two countries can sign a free trade agreement (FTA).
  • 11-May-2010 Taiwan News
    Taiwan opponents of ECFA with China to stage 3-day protest from May 20
    A 3-day protest in Taiwan against the proposed ECFA with China will begin 20 May 2010.
  • 11-May-2010 Irish Independent
    EU seeks extensive Mercosur trade deal
    "When these negotiations last broke down, due to the lack of benefits for the wider EU economy, Mercosur was seeking a 300,000t beef quota and the EU was at a formal offer of 100,000t," Meat Industry Ireland’s Cormac Healy said.
  • 11-May-2010 CUPE
    Tweet-In for Colombia – Stop the free trade agreement
    The time is now to stop the Conservatives and Liberals who are trying to rush through a harmful free trade agreement with Colombia without properly assessing its potential impact on human rights, workers and the environment.
  • 10-May-2010
    How to resolve free trade issues with EU, by ECOWAS ministers
    Knotty issues impeding conclusive negotiation of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union (EU) can be resolved if the private sector in West Africa is involved in the process, according to ministers from the sub-region in charge of the talks.
  • 10-May-2010
    MPs divided on Canada-Colombia trade agreement
    Increasing trade between Canada and Colombia would help fight drug traffickers and improve human rights in the South American country, says Saskatchewan MP Brad Trost. But critics say the country’s poor human-rights record should put any free-trade plans on hold.
  • 10-May-2010
    Indo-Asean ties key to region’s growth
    Close economic cooperation between India and Asean can prove to be a potent force in shaping the economic fortunes of South and South-east Asia over the next decade. Standard & Poor’s believes, however, that recent Indo-Asean increases in trade and investment flows still fall well short of their full potential.
  • 10-May-2010
    Canada-EU deal will affect more than trade
    It’s unsettling to know that even on the heels of the recent free-trade themed Canada-EU summit in Brussels, most Canadians haven’t a clue that our federal and provincial governments are negotiating with the European Union what could be the largest, most significant bilateral trade deal in history.
  • 10-May-2010 L’Humanité
    Peuples d’Europe et d’Amérique latine unis contre le libéralisme de Bruxelles
    Le sixième sommet UE-Amérique latine pourrait être boycotté par les présidents de l’hémisphère Sud. En marge de cette grand-messe, le sommet alternatif dénonce les accords de libre-échange et ses conséquences sociales.
  • 10-May-2010 Telegraph
    Australian tax could breach treaty with China
    Mining shares plunged last week after Kevin Rudd, Australia’s prime minister, proposed a 40pc tax on mining profits, arguing that Australia’s mining boom was benefiting shareholders based abroad
  • 10-May-2010 Journal of Commerce
    Saskatchewan joins B.C., Alberta in interprovincial free trade market
    British Columbia and Alberta have signed an economic partnership with Saskatchewan that creates Canada’s biggest interprovincial free trade market and is designed to promote trade with Asia.
  • 10-May-2010 The Hill
    Facts are stubborn things when it comes to trade
    We’re all entitled to our own opinion about NAFTA-style trade pacts, but we’re not entitled to our own facts. The most peculiar claim is that the US has trade surpluses with its FTA partners, when in fact the data show we have a deficit.
  • 9-May-2010 Inside Costa Rica
    Panama, Canada To Sign Free Trade Agreement
    Panama’s Commerce and Industry Minister Roberto Henriquez will fly to Toronto, Canada, to sign on May 14 a free trade agreement.