Articles by language

Articles by language

  • 2-Sep-2008 Radio Jamaica
    EPA signing postponed
    Today’s signing of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between CARICOM countries and Europe is officially off.
  • 2-Sep-2008 Antigua Sun
    ALP calls on govt not to sign EPA
    The Antigua Labour Party is calling on the government not to sign the EPA.
  • 1-Sep-2008
    JPEPA’s approval hits minor snag
    Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago said she would not submit the Japan-Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) to a Senate vote until after an exchange of notes with Japan has been formally signed and exchanged.
  • 1-Sep-2008 Korea Times
    Seoul shelves KORUS FTA
    Korea has given up hope of having its free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States ratified before the Nov. 4 U.S. presidential election, a senior trade official said Monday.
  • 1-Sep-2008 Fair Trade Alliance
    What the JPEPA proponents have not told the nation (part 1)
    The Philippine government has been making a hard sell on JPEPA — threatening that a failure to ratify shall be catastrophic to the Philippines, while a ratification of the agreement shall be a big boost to the economy. FairTrade, on the other hand, bolsters its position urging the government to renegotiate the treaty because of the agreement’s inherent economic and constitutional questions. The Senate must correct these patently one-sided contents in JPEPA so that it will effectively benefit Philippine industries and the Filipino people. In fact, what the JPEPA proponents have NOT told the Nation is that JPEPA is biased against the Philippines.
  • 1-Sep-2008 Asia Pulse
    South Korea, EU to seek package solution on free trade deal
    Chief negotiators from South Korea and the European Union have agreed to seek a package solution on controversial issues such as auto trade after failing to narrow their gap in three-day free trade talks, officials said Friday.
  • 1-Sep-2008 Bolivia Rising
    Bolivia: Two years of ’post-neoliberal’ Indigenous nationalism — a balance sheet
    The right laments the "isolation" of the Bolivian economy from the global currents of trade because it has put three crosses against the free trade agreement with the United States and there isn’t the will to take part in an agreement with the European Union, the "biggest markets on the planet".
  • 1-Sep-2008 Financial Times
    Indo-Sri Lanka FTA: Myths and realities
    This article is written in recognizing the numerous opinions floating around in Sri Lanka in respect of the proposed Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with India. Most of the public discussions and paper articles on CEPA, which we see today, are either based on personal or political sentiments or absolute analysis of numerical figures. The whole purpose of this article is to give a holistic and comparative analysis based on facts and figures explaining the current status of the FTA with India.
  • 1-Sep-2008 Commodity Online
    FTA to curb India from hiking palm oil import duty
    The much-awaited free trade agreement with Asean nations is bound to affect import and export of several commodities in India. The first one may be palm oil, which is a major commodity for India as it depends on Malaysia for its edible oil needs.
  • 1-Sep-2008 Energy Bangla
    BIMSTEC can be a bridge between South & Southeast Asia
    Bangladesh feels that the BIMSTEC has immense potential for creating greater economic interaction, flow of trade and investment among the member states, though its FTA has yet to be finalised.
  • 1-Sep-2008
    The struggle continues over EPAs
    The economic partnership agreements (EPAs) are being given a bad name for nothing, according to Ghanaian parliamentarian JB Danquah.
  • 1-Sep-2008 Foreign Control Watchdog
    Danger ahead! Back door US deal threatens all remaining foreign investment rules
    The NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade recently announced the opening of negotiations with Singapore, Chile and Brunei to extend a two year old trade and investment agreement (the grandly named Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership - often known as the P4) into investment and financial services.
  • 31-Aug-2008
    Union, Alliance blast ASEAN FTA
    The Maritime Union has blasted a new free trade agreement between New Zealand, Australia and the ASEAN nations, saying it is bad for workers because it includes Burma.
  • 30-Aug-2008 PTI
    India-ASEAN FTA not to hit southern farmers, says Nath
    Allaying fears of the Left-ruled Kerala that an FTA with ASEAN could harm farmers’ interest in the southern states, Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath today said India cannot get isolated in the growing economies of east Asia. "They don’t even know what the agreement is," Nath said when asked to comment on Kerala’s opposition to the FTA.
  • 30-Aug-2008 Xinhua
    S. Korea, EU fail to make progress in FTA talks
    South Korea and the European Union failed to narrow their gap in their free trade agreement (FTA) talks, South Korean Trade Ministry said on Friday.
  • 29-Aug-2008 Channel News Asia
    ASEAN chief says proposed ASEAN-EU free trade pact "challenging"
    A proposed free trade agreement between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the European Union is "one of the most challenging" ASEAN is negotiating, the bloc’s chief said on Thursday. The two parties had agreed on a schedule for discussions, but were having problems making headway due to the complexity of the talks.
  • 29-Aug-2008 Jamaica Gleaner
    EPA deadline a moving target - It’s October 31 or nothing, says EU
    A senior European Union diplomat in Kingston warned Wednesday that Caribbean countries that fail to sign a trade pact the region negotiated with EU by the October 31 deadline will lose preferential access for their product into the European market.
  • 29-Aug-2008 Scoop
    Free trade including Myanmar dictatorship is a slow motion disaster for workers and democracy in both nations
    The Alliance Party says the news that New Zealand has negotiated a free trade deal with ASEAN nations that include the fascist dictatorship of Myanmar is a disgrace of historical proportions and is a slow motion disaster for workers in New Zealand and in Myanmar.
  • 29-Aug-2008 Voxy
    Maritime Union criticizes Myanmar connection in free trade deal
    The Maritime Union of New Zealand says a free trade deal signed with ASEAN nations including the military dictatorship of Myanmar is bad for workers as it will boost the violently anti-worker regime in Myanmar and threatens workers rights.
  • 28-Aug-2008 Radio Jamaica
    EPA, worst thing since slavery - NWU
    One of Jamaica’s major trade unions is insisting that Jamaica could be heading down a dangerous path if it goes ahead and signs the controversial Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union.