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Articles by language

  • 2-Aug-2008
    Progress in CEPA Talks with India
    Korean negotiators say talks with Indian officials to strike a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement produced considerable progress.
  • 2-Aug-2008
    Spotlight turns to EPA’s as Doha talks fail
    With the failure of the Doha development round trade talks fresh in everyone’s minds, the focus now shifts to the equally controversial Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA’s).
  • 2-Aug-2008
    Decision on FTA with India, Pakistan, Lanka likely today
    The government will finally take a decision in a meeting today on signing of a free trade agreement (FTA) with its neighbouring trading partners India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
  • 2-Aug-2008 GMA News
    Pamalakaya to spearhead ’Jpepa free zone’ campaign
    A Filipino fisherfolk alliance is set to lead an across-the-country campaign to oppose the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (Jpepa), which is still pending ratification in the Senate.
  • 2-Aug-2008 Khaleej Times
    Free trade accord may pose problems for female workers
    Problems of female workers are expected to increase with the full implementation of the Free Trade Agreement reached between Bahrain and the United States that completed its second year on Friday.
  • 2-Aug-2008 Chicago Tribune
    Official: Mexico open to new NAFTA talks
    The Mexican government dismisses talk of disbanding NAFTA as politics, the country’s economy minister said Friday, but it would back the idea of a new round of North American trade talks, with the aim of including issues such as the environment and labor.
  • 2-Aug-2008 Bangkok Post
    Trade focus shifts
    With the collapse of the World Trade Organization talks this week, members of the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (Apec) forum are looking forward to working out a deal that would help its 21 members.
  • 2-Aug-2008 UPI
    Japan trade deal imperils Filipino fishers
    Groups opposed to the bilateral economic agreement between Japan and the Philippines expressed fears that its ratification could lead to an inflow of secondhand Japanese ships - similar to the MV Princess of the Stars, a ferry owned by Sulpicio Lines, which sank last month at the height of Typhoon Frank (also known as Typhoon Fengshen).
  • 1-Aug-2008
    Barriers hamper trade within EAC countries
    Border barriers remain the biggest challenge to the realization of cross-border trading within the East Africa Community, EAC.
  • 1-Aug-2008
    Trade winds are not blowing our way
    The World Trade Organisation negotiations to conclude the Doha trade round have broken down. Although Commerce Minister Kamal Nath prefers to treat it as a “pause, not a breakdown”, the prospects for salvaging them are dismal.
  • 1-Aug-2008
    SADC free trade becomes a reality
    The long-awaited free trade area (FTA) for southern Africa will be launched on August 17 during the annual summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
  • 1-Aug-2008 Mindanao Examiner
    What land reform? farmers group asks
    Some 200,000 hectares of lands in southern Mindanao alone have been converted into banana and pineapple plantations by Del Monte and Dole corporations while millions of hectares are also threatened with the looming ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA).
  • 1-Aug-2008 ABC
    Indonesian nurses, care workers to head to Japan
    Japan says about 200 Indonesian care workers and nurses are scheduled to travel to the country in August under a bilateral economic partnership agreement.
  • 31-Jul-2008 LIP
    Peru, China to speed up bilateral free trade negotiations
    Peru and China will speed up talks on reaching a bilateral Free Trade Agreement between both countries to have a pact signed before November this year, said the country’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Mercedes Araoz on Wednesday.
  • 31-Jul-2008 Bernama
    Malaysian companies to benefit from FTAs
    In order to fully realise FTA benefits, the government says it is imperative that Malaysian companies restructure and diversify their activities, rationalise industries through relocation of certain products to lower cost producing countries, move to higher-value added products and establish strategic partnerships or alliances with others.
  • 31-Jul-2008 Mcot
    Collapse of WTO talks likely to trigger more FTAs
    With a free trade deal under the World Trade Organization now appearing unlikely to be struck in the foreseeable future, a number of countries are expected to gear up for further enhancing free trade agreements on a bilateral or regional basis to expand their overseas markets, analysts said Wednesday.
  • 31-Jul-2008 Hopeful
    A call for the Senate to reject the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA)
    The undersigned ask the Philippine Senate to fulfill its role as check and balance to the Executive branch of government, to do right by the Filipino people and reject this infirm, lopsided, unlawful and unconstitutional treaty.
  • 31-Jul-2008 GMANews
    Tokyo rejects ‘detailed’ JPEPA side agreement, solon says
    The Philippine Senate may have to be satisfied with a mere "general statement" of assurance that the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement will not violate existing constitutional constraints and international law commitments before it concurs with this landmark trade pact
  • 31-Jul-2008 Yehey
    RP preparing for talks with US for FTA starting early next year
    “Without the WTO, we need this FTA badly,” Donald Dee, a government special trade envoy and chairman of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said.
  • 30-Jul-2008 Xinhua
    S Korea to push forward bilateral FTA deals after WTO talks collapse
    South Korea will push forward bilateral free trade agreements as the global trade talks under the World Trade Organization finished without progress, South Korean Deputy Trade Minister Ahn Ho-young said Wednesday