Articles by language

Articles by language

  • 4-Feb-2007 Media Monitors Network
    US targets Malaysia in drive to sign Muslim countries to free trade agreement
    FTAs are increasingly being regarded by many countries as Washington’s economic analogue of a nuclear bomb.
  • 4-Feb-2007 ANTARA
    UAE weights price of trade pact with US
    The United Arab Emirates is mulling whether to make political concessions to the United States in a free trade pact that has eluded both countries for nearly two years.
  • 3-Feb-2007 TWN Africa
    Deadlock of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) in Ouagadougou
    EPA negotiators from West Africa and the European Union meeting in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from the 23 -26 January, failed to reach agreement on key issues regarding the results of the mid-term review of the EPA negotiations and the way forward.
  • 3-Feb-2007 Hankyoreh
    Court: free trade draft stays under wraps
    A South Korean court ruled that the government is not required to disclose a current draft of the proposed South Korea-US free trade agreement.
  • 3-Feb-2007 Thanh Nien News
    US eyes closer trade, investment ties with Vietnam
    The US hopes to open negotiations with Vietnam on a Trade and Investment Framework Arrangement (TIFA), an important step towards establishing a free trade agreement (FTA) with Vietnam, a USTR official said Friday.
  • 3-Feb-2007
    Japan-Thailand FTA (JTEPA): draft chapter on intellectual property
  • 2-Feb-2007 COHA
    Uruguay signs a TIFA with the US: Will this mean an unraveling of Mercosur?
    On January 25, Uruguay signed a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) with the United States that could ultimately dismantle Mercosur and isolate Uruguay in the southern cone.
  • 2-Feb-2007 IHT
    Malaysia threatens to halt FTA talks with US after call to scrap Iran deal: report
    Trade Minister Rafidah Aziz told Washington to stay out of Malaysia’s affairs and warned the government will not bow to any threats, the Malay-language Utusan Malaysia reported. "I am ready to advise the government to cancel the FTA discussions immediately," she was quoted as saying.
  • 2-Feb-2007 US Embassy in Montevideo
    US-Uruguay TIFA (2007)
  • 1-Feb-2007 The Guardian
    Time to get serious about Israel
    The UK House of Commons international development committee is calling on the Labour government to press for sanctions against Israel over its treatment of the Palestinian people. As a first step in putting pressure on the Israeli government to end this oppression, the UK should now urge its fellow members in the EU to consider suspending the EU-Israel association agreement, the cross-party committee says.
  • 1-Feb-2007 The Australian
    Corporate boss leads charge for free trade
    Fujio Mitarai, the Nippon Keidanren chairman who leads a powerful business mission to Australia at the weekend, belongs to the Japanese establishment’s inner elite. His position is often described as "prime minister of business".
  • 1-Feb-2007 Channel News Asia
    US asked to suspend free trade talks with Malaysia over Iran deal
    A key US lawmaker on Wednesday called on the administration of President George W Bush to suspend free trade talks with Malaysia in protest over its mega energy deal with Iran.
  • 1-Feb-2007
    EU to spend 200 million Euros in Pakistan’s northern areas
    Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz visited EU headquarters for talks on future relations and brought up Pakistan’s desire to forge a free trade agreement with the 27-nation bloc, along the lines of deals being proposed for India, South Korea and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
  • 1-Feb-2007 IP Watch
    Japan resurfaces global IPR enforcement framework; EU refers to FTAs
    The EU is planning a more detailed intellectual property chapter in its FTAs. In form, not in content, it would be closer to the “US-type” with “detailed things” listed.
  • 1-Feb-2007 Embassy
    Canada to discuss free trade with Peru
    Peru and Canada could start discussions for a bilateral free trade agreement as early as February, according to Peruvian Agriculture Minister Juan Jose Salazar.
  • 1-Feb-2007 MCOT
    Campaigners call for caution, transparency in free trade deal with Japan
    Critics of the proposed Japan Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement have warned the Thai government not to rush the draft free trade agreement through the National Legislative Assembly.
  • 31-Jan-2007 Times of Oman
    S Korea mulls free trade deal with Gulf states
    South Korea is actively considering forging a free trade agreement with six Gulf nations, its top economic official said Wednesday.
  • 31-Jan-2007 AHN
    US asks Bangladesh to resume TIFA negotiations
    The United States has asked Bangladesh to re-examine the possibility of restarting negotiations on the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) between the two countries.
  • 31-Jan-2007 Asia Times
    Why Koreans have a beef with free trade
    Half the South Korean population is against the FTA, especially workers and farmers who have seen trade agreements like the North American Free Trade Agreement lead to job flight, decaying communities, and increased social polarization. But what really unites Koreans against the FTA is the undemocratic nature of the negotiation process and the threat to South Korea’s national sovereignty.
  • 30-Jan-2007 AP
    Malaysian, US unions oppose trade deal
    Labor unions in Malaysia and the United States said Monday they opposed a free trade agreement between their two countries unless it incorporated mechanism to protect labor and social rights.