Articles by language

Articles by language

  • 20-Dec-2006 ABHaber
    EU welcomes signing of new Central European Free Trade Agreement
    Prime Ministers of South Eastern European countries and territories have today signed a new Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA).
  • 20-Dec-2006 Zee News
    India to adopt utmost flexibility in trade talks with Nepal
    India has decided to hand over a virtual blank cheque to Nepal as it prepares to start talks for extending the trade treaty between the two countries.
  • 20-Dec-2006 People’s Daily
    Chile, Japan to sign FTA next March: FM
    Chilean Foreign Minister Alejandro Foxley Rioseco said in Santiago on Monday that Chile and Japan would sign a free trade agreement (FTA) in March 2007, following the conclusion of bilateral negotiations on the issue last month.
  • 19-Dec-2006
    Critique of the Japanese government’s strategy to export wastes to developing countries
    A Citizen Groups Joint Statement of Opinion to the Japanese government on the inclusion of toxic wastes in Japan’s FTAs, such as JPEPA.
  • 19-Dec-2006 East African
    Services, investment to be covered by new trade deal with EU
    The service sector will be included in the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union and the East and Southern African (ESA) countries as the parties enter the final stages of agreeing on a deal.
  • 18-Dec-2006 FPIF
    Peru, Colombia trade deals would lock in more bad investment rules
    The investment rules in the Colombia and Peru trade pacts with the US deserve special scrutiny. They grant protections for private foreign investors that are virtually identical to those in NAFTA, CAFTA and myriad bilateral investment treaties signed over the past two decades. And yet these countries are being pulled on board at a time of a dramatic awakening about these rules’ potential for harm.
  • 18-Dec-2006 Bangkok Post
    Thai-Japan FTA: Govt warned again not to rush into any trade deals
    The Thai Foreign Ministry’s plan for cabinet acknowledgement today of the proposed free trade deal with Japan has raised questions from critics, including the National Economic and Social Council, which called for adequate information and time for the people and the country’s legislative body to study its impact.
  • 18-Dec-2006 Yonhap
    FTA with S. Africa expected to boost exports: think tank
    South Korea could see its exports to South Africa soar over 30 percent if it signs a free trade agreement (FTA) with the country, a state-run think tank said Monday.
  • 18-Dec-2006 Washington File
    US trade, investment deals in Middle East advance bolder goals
    Trade and Investment Framework Agreements (TIFAs) the United States signs with countries in the Middle East and North Africa help realize the vision of a regional free trade area integrated with global economy, US officials say.
  • 18-Dec-2006 The Star
    Age of the FTA
    New Hope, one of China’s biggest privately owned companies, is not alone in betting on the business opportunities resulting from the China-Asean FTA and other FTAs with China as a partner.
  • 18-Dec-2006 Korea Herald
    Oriental medical doctors resist FTA
    Seoul’s move to open its market for oriental medicine has set off a fierce protest from local doctors who are concerned about increased competition in an already saturated market.
  • 18-Dec-2006 Gulf News
    Gulf monetary union is a cracking project?
    The main reason for the delay in the finalisation of the GCC customs union was the unilateral decision by Oman, preceded by Bahrain, to sign a free trade agreement with the US.
  • 17-Dec-2006 FT
    China agrees more talks on service sector reform
    The US and China on Friday agreed to intensify discussions about the opening up of China’s services sector and explore the possibility of a bilateral investment treaty at the conclusion of this week’s high level talks in Beijing.
  • 17-Dec-2006 MercoPress
    Pulp mill conflict widens Mercosur rift
    Escalating mutual recriminations and complaints between Argentina and Uruguay signaled the first day of deliberations at the Mercosur ministerial meeting in Brasilia in the same week that the group officially inaugurated its Parliament.
  • 17-Dec-2006 Aljazeera
    Corporate complicity in Israel’s crimes
    Originating as it does from illegally occupied land, settlement produce is supposed to be excluded from the preferential treatment which Israeli exports to the UK enjoy under the EU-Israel Association Agreement.
  • 17-Dec-2006 The Hindu
    Highlights of documents signed between India and Japan
    The India-Japan EPA/CEPA should cover, but may not be limited to trade in goods, trade in services, measures for trade promotion, facilitation and liberalisation of investment flows, measures for promoting economic cooperation in identified sectors and other areas for a comprehensive economic partnership between India and Japan.
  • 17-Dec-2006 Houston Chronicle
    Japan, India agree to begin trade talks
    The leaders of Japan and India agreed Friday to start talks on forging a bilateral free-trade agreement within two years and to increase cooperation between the two countries’ navies and coast guards.
  • 16-Dec-2006 UNPO
    Taiwan: Nicaraguan congress ratifies free trade agreement
    Nicaragua’s Congress has ratified a free trade agreement with Taiwan, the legislative body said in a statement Thursday.
  • 16-Dec-2006 Washington Post
    A foothold for free trade?
    Trade integration in the Americas is quickly approaching a major milestone. If agreements with Colombia, Peru and Panama are ratified in the coming year, more than half of Latin America will have free trade accords with the United States.
  • 15-Dec-2006 Hindustan Times
    Go for free trade pact with India after N-deal: US senator
    An influential Republican senator has asked President George Bush to negotiate a full scale free trade agreement with India following the successful conclusion of the India-US civil nuclear deal.