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Children of the WTO | 28-September-2006

World Trade Organization talks collapsed in July 2006 over strong internal disagreements on agricultural policy. While social activists throughout the world cheered, policy-makers in the U.S. and Canada started aggressively pursuing bilateral trade accords or Free Trade Agreements [FTAs].

Grupos colombianos descontentos por TLC | 28-September-2006

Varias marchas lideradas por organizaciones civiles, sindicatos y fuerzas de oposición política, se han dado esta semana en Colombia, en repudio al inminente TLC que la nación neogranadina podría firmar con EEUU. Asimismo, se oponen a las políticas de privatización del presidente Uribe

Mauritian MLAs asked to stop the process of EPA | 28-September-2006

A Mauritian political party called Rezistans ek Alternativ (RA) has asked local MLAs to help in stopping the process of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) which, according to its members, Mauritius and fourteen other African countries have agreed to negotiate with the European Union, without realising the implication of such an agreement.

10 reasons to challenge the Pacific EPA | 28-September-2006

Do the Pacific Islands’ negotiators genuinely hope they can negotiate a beneficial Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union or are they simply going through the motions and doing what is required of them under the Cotonou Agreement 2000? In the secretive chess game of trade negotiations it is impossible to know.

«EFTA FTAs may have serious consequences on Thailand and Indonesia» tell civil society representatives to EFTA governments | 27-September-2006

Lobby travel from Indonesian and Thai civil society in EFTA countries (Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Oslo)

Organizaciones políticas marcharon contra el TLC en Colombia | 27-September-2006

Trabajadores y organizaciones opositoras al gobierno de Álvaro Uribe marcharon en Bogotá y en otras ciudades colombianas en contra de las medidas económicas y el Tratado del Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos

Development compatibility of EPAS - A critical civil society review of the EU-ACP negotiations on Regional Free Trade Agreements | 27-September-2006

The conference focuses on three particular problem areas of EPAs. Are EPAs endangering food sovereignty and rural development of mostly agrarian oriented ACP states? Are EPAs in their current form undermining autonomous initiatives of regional integration? What effects are to be expected from a broad liberalisation agenda including the so called "new issues” of investments, competition and public procurement?

SOMO Briefing Paper: EPA negotiations do not promote the right investment policies in Africa | 26-September-2006

The EU strongly advocates that attracting more foreign investment is a solution to African development problems and that African countries therefore need to include strict investment liberalisation measures in EPAs.

SOMO Briefing Paper: The risks and dangers of liberalisation of services in Africa under EPAs | 26-September-2006

The European Union (EU) is negotiating with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries for a new free trade agreement: the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs). The liberalisation of services and therefore opening the market for foreign investors is part of these negotiations.

USA: Labor & textile groups demand punitive measures against Jordan | 25-September-2006

The US Trade Representative has been urged by the largest US labor organization and textile group to file a complaint against Jordan for its failure to check companies from exploiting their laborers and subsequently cheating them on wages. Since the US-Jordan FTA was signed between the two nations in December 2001, this is the first time any US business group has come together with labor demanding action under the treaty.

Accords de Partenariat Economique (APE) : Changeons de cap ! | 24-September-2006

Les APE doivent conforter la souveraineté alimentaire de l’Afrique et la politique agricole de la CEDEAO. Nous, paysans du Faso, sommes convaincus que l’agriculture est un métier qui doit nous permettre, à nous qui la pratiquons, de vivre dignement des fruits de notre travail.

Thailand: Restore basic civil rights, NGOs urge | 24-September-2006

Thailand’s new NGO Network for Political and Social Reform says it wants the military-led Council for Democratic Reform under Constitutional Monarchy and the interim government to scrap free-trade agreements and the privatisation of state enterprises.

Uruguay: carta a la opinión pública sobre TLC con EEUU | 23-September-2006

Personas provenientes de diversas inserciones profesionales, académicas y políticas, expresan en una carta pública su preocupación sobre la forma cómo se ha procesado hasta ahora la discusión sobre una eventual firma de un Tratado de Libre Comercio con los Estados Unidos y su impacto en el país.

Colombia: TLC, “paquetazo” legislativo y jornada nacional de protesta | 22-September-2006

A través de su página web, el presidente Uribe notificó a la nación que a finales del próximo noviembre será firmado el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos, a partir de ese acto pasará a discusión de los respectivos Congresos para su ratificación. Al país del Norte le fue tan bien en la negociación que se presume será aprobado casi por unanimidad

Colombia: A la calle el 26 de septiembre | 22-September-2006

Se están organizando para el 26 de septiembre marchas en Colombia contra el TLC. El movimiento sindical, las ligas de usuarios de servicios públicos, la Gran Coalición Democrática, el Polo Democrático Alternativo, el conjunto del movimiento campesino y en general todo el movimiento popular, han coincidido en hacer una primera protesta contra la política de Uribe Vélez.

Uruguay marches on free trade scam | 22-September-2006

Hundreds of Uruguayan workers marched July 18 in front of the Economy Ministry in this capital to reject signing of a US free trade treaty.

Uruguayan workers strike for pay hikes, against U.S. trade deal | 21-September-2006

Uruguay Labor groups demanding higher wages and an end to Uruguayan efforts for a trade deal with Washington walked off the job for four hours on Thursday, though public transport ran normally and shops and offices stayed open.

Labor group calls strike for Nov. 15 | 20-September-2006

The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions may stage an indefinite strike beginning Nov. 15 in protest over new labor reform bills and free trade agreement talks with the United States.

TLC Uruguay-EE.UU.: Comisión Nacional en Defensa de la Soberanía | 18-September-2006

Lanzamiento de la Campaña contra un Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos

Protestas anti TLC tiñeron las celebraciones patrias en Cartago | 15-September-2006

Un grupo numeroso y violento de manifestantes rompió los cercos de seguridad a unos 150 metros de la Municipalidad de Cartago para gritar consignas contra el TLC y el presidente Óscar Arias

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