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Wisconsin Farmers Union opposes free trade pact with Korea | 20-June-2011

Legislative leaders should be protecting and promoting American jobs, family farms and our rural communities through sound economic, environmental and labor policies. This trade agreement doesn’t adequately promotes these values

Activists protest possible Colombia trade deal | 14-June-2011

Religious and peace activists are demanding that President Obama keep a campaign promise to oppose a trade deal with a South American nation.

Trade deal a gamble for municipalities | 9-June-2011

Last weekend, municipal councillors from across Canada met in Halifax for the annual Federation of Canadian Municipalities convention. On the agenda were infrastructure renewal, how to best deliver social services, and how cities should confront climate change. But if you were following the FCM’s Twitter hashtag Saturday morning, you’ll have seen that trade was perhaps the most controversial topic of discussion, namely the Canada-EU free trade agreement.

Machinists union launches fair trade campaign on Facebook | 9-June-2011

Countering GOP demands for the passage of three seriously-flawed trade deals with South Korea, Colombia and Panama, the International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers (IAM) today launched a targeted, informational ad campaign on Facebook.

Apple growers to hold massive protest in Himachal | 5-June-2011

Himachal Pradesh Apple Growers Association has decided to hold massive protest demonstrations throughout the state on 6th June 2011 against the government’s free trade agreements which allow foreign apples to come in at increasingly reduced rates.

Canada seeks more free trade, security zone with US | 5-June-2011

Governor General David Johnston said Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper would work with Washington to create a continental security perimeter around Canada and the United States "ensuring that people and goods can flow freely and safely between our two countries."

California fighting back on Colombia free trade act | 25-May-2011

California, with its 53 Members of Congress, is key to stopping these FTAs and protecting worker power both in the US and abroad.

Plan de Acción de Santos y Obama se adelanta con represión | 6-May-2011

El pasado 1º de mayo, día internacional del trabajo, la policía reprimió las multitudinarias actividades que se adelantaban en Bogotá, Medellín y Cali.

Centrales obreras preparán gran movilización contra el TLC para el Primero de Mayo | 1-May-2011

Los trabajadores colombianos marcharán este domingo contra el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) que firmó su país con Estados Unidos en 2006, por estimar que su implementación afectará la economía y traerá desempleo a la nación sudamericana.

’Halt India-EU FTA talks immediately’ | 23-April-2011

Ska Keller, a Green member of the European Parliament, has warned that the proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between India and European Union will have serious consequences for the Indian people.

Anuncian sindicatos colombianos ofensiva para frenar TLC con EUA | 14-April-2011

Los sindicatos colombianos anunciaron hoy una ofensiva en Estados Unidos para evitar que avance el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC), tras el acuerdo logrado por los gobiernos de los dos países para aprobarlo este año.

Cien diputados piden al Senado mexicano que no ratifique un TLC con Perú | 14-April-2011

Un centenar de diputados mexicanos pidió hoy públicamente al Senado que no ratifique y evite así la entrada en vigor de un Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) con Perú que incluye "productos sensibles para el sector agropecuario" de México.

Colombian free trade deal ignores violence, faces Colombian resistance | 13-April-2011

Congress is poised to ratify a Free Trade Agreement with Colombia in spite of vehement opposition both here in the US and in Colombia.

Colombia: workers, students protest FTA, privatization | 13-April-2011

In Colombia’s largest demonstration since President Juan Manuel Santos took office last August, tens of thousands of unionists, students and teachers demonstrated throughout the country on April 7 to protest a free trade agreement with the US and proposed changes in the education system that they say will lead to privatization.

India-EU FTA carries severe public health consequences | 12-April-2011

After four years of talks, India and the European Union are narrowing down their differences on a bilateral Free Trade Agreement that critics in India and elsewhere say could have a devastating impact on public health by hampering access to life-saving drugs for millions of people.

Négociations de l’Accord Canada-Union européenne - Le SISP joint sa voix au RQIC et dénonce le manque de transparence | 12-April-2011

Alors que se tient à Ottawa, derrière des portes closes, la 7e ronde de négociations en vue d’en arriver à un Accord économique et commercial global entre le Canada et l’Union européenne, le Secrétariat intersyndical des services publics, représentant 330 000 personnes travaillant dans les services publics québécois, joint sa voix au Réseau québécois sur l’intégration continentale pour dénoncer le manque de transparence dans ces négociations.

Election postpones Canada-EU trade offers; now is the time to debate the deal, says Council of Canadians | 8-April-2011

The Council of Canadians is encouraged the federal and provincial governments have postponed an exchange of offers with the European Union before a seventh round of Canada-EU free trade negotiations next week.

Centrales sindicales mantienen posturas frente al TLC de Colombia con EE.UU. | 8-April-2011

La Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Colombia (CUT) y la Confederación de Trabajadores de Colombia (CTC) coincidieron hoy en que la iniciativa presidencial es "un anexo" que no influye en su rechazo al TLC

AFL-CIO remains opposed to Colombia trade deal | 7-April-2011

"We have no doubt that if 51 CEOs had been murdered in Colombia last year, this deal would be on a very slow track indeed," says AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka

USW joins Colombian unions in opposition to proposed FTA | 7-April-2011

The United Steelworkers is both disappointed and outraged to learn that the Obama Administration has apparently reached an agreement with Colombia over a free trade agreement.