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NUPGE asks Ignatieff to block Colombia trade deal | 31-March-2009

The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is appealing to the federal Liberal Party to join with other opposition parties to block the new Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement.

Minister defends Colombia free-trade deal | 30-March-2009

Parliamentary hearings will give a fulsome airing to critics of Canada’s proposed free-trade agreement with Colombia, says the Harper government’s Latin American cabinet minister, Peter Kent, the minister of State for Foreign Affairs.

Panama-AIG outrage on all fronts | 28-March-2009

Anger is brimming over in diverse corridors over the Bush hangover agreement with Panama, and the new rights it would give to AIG-linked bodies in Panama to sue US taxpayers.

KAIROS and Colombian Partners Outraged at Canada-Colombia Free Trade Deal | 27-March-2009

Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives today expressed outrage that the federal government has introduced legislation for a free trade deal with Colombia, ignoring the pleas of Canadian and Colombian activists for a human rights assessment in advance of any deal.

"Israel must see that there are consequences to its actions" | 27-March-2009

We can and must focus on the trading privileges from which Israel benefits within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement, and point out again and again that Israel violates the human rights clause of that Agreement. If nothing else, this clarifies that EU support for Israel violates its own regulations.

Frente al Tratado de Libre Comercio y el Acuerdo de Cooperación Laboral entre Canadá y Perú | 27-March-2009

Confederaciones de Trabajadores emiten declaración rechazando el TLC firmado entre ambos gobiernos y solicitando al Congreso de Canadá niegue su aprobación a dicho acuerdo.

Indígenas de países andinos hacen un plantón contra el TLC con la UE ante la sede de la CAN | 27-March-2009

Diversos representantes indígenas protestan contra la firma de un tratado de libre comercio entre la Comunidad Andina (CAN) y la Unión Europea, en Lima (Perú), frente a las instalaciones de la CAN.

Nicaragua: Soberanía y seguridad alimentaria frente a los TLC y la crisis económica | 25-March-2009

El GISSAN planteó la necesidad de entender la Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional como un esfuerzo local, productivo, realizativo, de autonomía campesina y de defensa de la semilla criolla, frente a la embestida de los Tratados de Libre Comercio.

Charity warning on free trade plans | 25-March-2009

Millions of people in developing countries will lose their jobs under free trade plans which will be promoted by the Gordon Brown at next week’s G20 summit, a leading charity has warned.

Perú: Lideres criadores de vicuña y alpaca rechazan los decretos legislativos de TLC y las concesiones mineras | 23-March-2009

Frente a la permanente vulneración de los derechos de los originarios de las comunidades alto andinas Kheswas de la regiones afectadas por la minería, concesión de recurso hídrico, se lanzo la exigencia de la derogatoria de las normas legales referente al privatización del agua y la tierra, y la preparación de un proyecto Ley de INCAS.

Perú: Intelectuales contra el TLC | 23-March-2009

Un numeroso grupo de poetas se congregó en la plaza San Martín para protestar y exigir el cambio de la política mercantilista y servicial que tomó el gobierno ante el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Chile.

EU-India FTA: Public interest groups detained during protest | 21-March-2009

As the 6th round of negotiations related to the EU-India Free Trade Agreement got underway In Delhi today, the police detained several representatives of public interest groups during a peaceful protest in front of the office of the European Commission. Trade bureaucrats from the EC and Indian Commerce Ministry will deliberate on issues ranging from services, manufacturing, trade facilitation and government procurement till 19 March.

Protesters detained outside European Commission office | 18-March-2009

As the sixth round of negotiations related to the EU-India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) got underway on Tuesday, the police detained a couple of representatives of public interest groups during a peaceful protest in front of the office of the European Commission (EC).

Amid protests, EU-India trade talks begin today | 17-March-2009

Ahead of the three-day free trade negotiations between India and the European Union, starting on Tuesday, a campaign group led by trade unions and non-profit organizations have asked the government to halt the talks.

Construyendo el ALBA desde abajo | 16-March-2009

“La unidad e integración de Nuestra América está en nuestro horizonte y es nuestro camino”. Bajo esta perspectiva, movimientos sociales del hemisferio en la asamblea realizada el 30 de enero en Belem, Brasil, en el marco del FSM 2009, acordaron impulsar un proceso para “construir colectivamente un proyecto popular de integración latinoamericana, que replantee el concepto de ‘desarrollo’

Social organizations oppose signing economic agreement with China | 15-March-2009

Farmers, medium-sized and small businesses will lose out while capitalists will reap the most benefits if an Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between Taiwan and China is signed. An ECFA is also a prelude to reunification.

Perú: Tacna y Cusco se suman a protestas contra TLC con Chile | 10-March-2009

Las autoridades regionales de Tacna y Cusco confirmaron su participación en las movilizaciones en contra del Acuerdo de Complementación Económica (ACE) con Chile, a realizarse los días 12,13 y 14 de marzo en departamentos del sur del país.

Nueva jornada de protestas en San Salvador | 10-March-2009

Universitarios, mujeres, panificadores y opositores al CAFTA han salido esta mañana a protestar por las calles de San Salvador, a menos de una semana de los comicios presidenciales.

Perú: Gobierno impide manifestación contra el TLC con Chile | 9-March-2009

El ministerio del Interior negó la autorización para realizar una manifestación pacífica en la Plaza Francia para este miércoles 11, que debía realizarse en protesta contra el TLC con Chile suscrito por el gobierno aprista.

US postpones free trade negotiations with NZ | 9-March-2009

New Zealand research and education network ARENA today welcomed news that the United States has postponed trade negotiations with New Zealand pending an overall review of US trade policy, and says that the New Zealand government should follow suit.

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