Articles by language

Articles by language

  • 26-Sep-2008 Business Daily Africa
    Comesa agrees to economic merger with Southern Africa
    The plan to merge 26 eastern and southern African states into a single trading bloc with a combined gross domestic product of $625 billion is complete and ready for heads of State to sign-off next month.
  • 25-Sep-2008 PTI News
    India, S Korea resolve FTA issues, to sign pact by year-end
    India and South Korea today said they have ironed out the differences over signing a free trade agreement in goods, services and investment and have agreed to sign the pact by end of the year.
  • 25-Sep-2008 Economic Times
    Honda looks to cash in on India’s FTA with ASEAN
    Japanese car major Honda Motor Company is looking to cash in on India’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the ASEAN countries to eventually make the operations here a key part of its global business.
  • 25-Sep-2008 indymedia
    Activists disrupt reception for Colombian Prez to protest free trade agreement
    Two activists from TradeJustice New York City Metro disrupted a Council of the Americas-sponsored reception for Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez to denounce Uribe’s support for a free trade agreement between the US and Colombia that critics believe will exacerbate human rights and environmental catastrophes in the war-torn South American nation.
  • 25-Sep-2008 Seattle Medium
    Free trade agreement: A campaign of deception
    The recent delegation of Colombians to Capitol Hill, some of whom were Afro-Colombian, advocating for the approval of the US-Colombia FTA, does not represent the view of the majority of Afro-Colombians living in urban and rural areas throughout the country.
  • 25-Sep-2008 Upside Down World
    What Alvaro Uribe won’t talk about at the United Nations this week (but probably discussed with President Bush over the weekend)
    At a certain level, I must admit, I almost felt sorry for Colombian President Alvaro Uribe last week. His high-profile visit to Washington was unexpectedly shortened because it became readily apparent that members of the US Congress were not really interested in hearing his last ditch effort to get them to approve the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement, FTA.
  • 25-Sep-2008 Scoop
    Toxic food crisis outcome of free trade policies
    The Fonterra scandal in China has evolved into a major food crisis. "We are seeing the reality of free trade in action, the negatives that have been concealed by the greed and arrogance of Government and private business interests," says the New Zealand Alliance Party
  • 25-Sep-2008 LACCC
    Over 100 activists gather to protest free trade agreement
    On Friday, September 19, 2008, over 100 activists gathered in front of the National Press Club in Washington, DC to protest the efforts of Colombia’s president Álvaro Uribe to promote the Free Trade Agreement.
  • 25-Sep-2008 NZ Herald
    Aussies keen on a piece of the action
    Canberra sees the transpacific partnership as a potential stepping stone to a broader regional agreement, and as a means of ensuring Australia is not damaged by the growing number of free trade agreements throughout the Asia Pacific.
  • 25-Sep-2008 Dow Jones
    US-South Korea trade deal comes under congressional fire
    A pending free trade agreement between the US and South Korea came under fire Wednesday, with a US senator and auto industry officials saying the deal would exacerbate the imbalance in auto trade between the countries and that the Korean government can’t be trusted to honor the deal.
  • 25-Sep-2008 Economic Times
    Nooyi calls for India-US investment treaty
    PepsiCo chairman Indra Nooyi on Wednesday called for a bilateral investment treaty between India and the US to drive growth in trade relations.
  • 25-Sep-2008 AFP
    EU MPs back trade deal with India, voice religion concerns
    The European parliament on Wednesday called for the EU negotiate a free trade deal with India by the end of the year, though several voiced concerns over human rights abuses, in particular against Christians.
  • 25-Sep-2008 Latinamerica Press
    Indigenous seek more land rights
    Peru’s Congress on Sept. 20 signed a law repealing two presidential decrees that lowered the requirements for the sale of indigenous lands a month after large mobilizations by indigenous Amazon groups in demand that the laws be knocked down.
  • 24-Sep-2008 ICTSD
    Peru, Colombia push for bilateral trade deals with EU
    Both Peru and Colombia want to work quickly to conclude bilateral trade deals with the EU, as negotiations toward a regional-level pact have largely stalled.
  • 24-Sep-2008 China Post
    Taiwan wants FTA with EU
    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Yiin Chii-ming, said yesterday that Taiwan wants an FTA with the EU.
  • 23-Sep-2008 IPS
    Kenya: Tea market tumultuous as trading partners change
    Tea used to be Kenya’s major cash crop earner but ever since the world’s largest consumer of tea, Pakistan, entered into a free trade agreement with seven of its Asian neighbours, the local tea industry has been haemorrhaging.
  • 23-Sep-2008 Thaindian
    New Indo-Nepal economic pact in pipeline
    India is holding talks with Nepal over a new Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
  • 23-Sep-2008
    Could free trade with US impact Pharmac?
    Concerns are being raised by the Green Party as to how a free trade agreement with the United States might affect domestic drug-funding agency Pharmac.
  • 23-Sep-2008
    Goff welcomes US FTA negotiations
    The US has reinvigorated its trade policy with the announcement it will enter into comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations to become a full partner to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (P4).
  • 23-Sep-2008 NBR
    US says dairy sector could be ready for NZ trade deal
    The United States’ dairy industry is more open to a free trade deal with New Zealand than in the past, US trade representative Susan Schwab says.