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More Kenyan flowers in US bouquets as trade talks to start
US-Kenya trade talks are due to start in the next couple of weeks, US Trade Representative, as Kenya President announced discussions have been delayed until the Africa free-trade deal comes into force.
The US apparel and footwear industry is urging Congress to renew the African Growth and Opportunity Act this year
AGOA doesn’t expire until 2025, but the industry looks for certainty to the region in the face of the pandemic and upcoming US trade talks with Kenya.
Africa free trade zone could launch on Jan 1, says official
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) could begin operating on January 1 next year, after the COVID-19 pandemic made its original launch date untenable.
Manufacturers pulling out of China should consider Africa to diversify their supply chain
The creation of the AfCFTA could enhance the attractiveness of sub-Saharan Africa as an investment destination and manufacturing base.
Import substitution and the need for well negotiated trade agreements
The Ministry of Trade should ensure that eventual agreements promote Uganda’s aspiration for industrialisation and provide the policy space for government to be able to use a range of trade policy instruments.
African Continental Free Trade Area: hope or neo-colonialism?
The AfCFTA is an opportunity for countries and companies to help each other grow, but trade liberalization and Western control can harm the poor and local producers in these countries, and Africa will repeat the mistakes of the European Union.
AfCFTA postpones launch date as focus turns to curbing virus
However member states have yet to make a formal statement and arrive at a consensus pointing to a postponement.
US should avoid phased approach in trade talks with Kenya: Chamber of Commerce
The United States should work to achieve a single, comprehensive agreement with Kenya that removes barriers to trade and investment, instead of pursuing a phased approach, the US Chamber of Commerce said.
Africa’s free trade agreement gets locked down for the year
The AfCFTA has been put on ice until the coronavirus has been defeated, the Secretary-General of the AfCFTA secretariat says.
Business leaders, others seek delay in AfCFTA’s implementation
Some members of the organised private sector and experts in international trade in Nigeria have called for the postponement of the take-off of the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement
E-Commerce protocol incorporated into AfCFTA phase III
The acceptance of the e-commerce protocol came about during the 33rd AU Ordinary Session recently held in Ethiopia.
Postpone July 1 trading date of AfCFTA ― CUTS advises African Union
A leading research and public policy think tank is calling on the African Union to defer, the July 1st date for the commencement of trading under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
Nigeria and the implementation of the AfCFTA: Key issues and policy options
Nigeria’s trade and industrial priorities should be embedded in the ongoing dialogue for AfCFTA implementation strategies.
African Continental Free Trade Area to suffer setback - Mashakada
Economist Tapiwa Mashakada has said the African Continental Free Trade Area is going to suffer a serious setback as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The AfCFTA and the European Union : ‘sister continents’ in the decade ahead?
The European Union is investing political capital in the African Continental Free Trade Area. What’s the state of play in getting the world’s largest free trade area off the ground? And why does the project matter so much for Europe?
AfCFTA’s first deal to go ahead, despite virus complications
While meetings to rubber stamp details of the African trade area agreement have been affected, its first trade is still scheduled for July 1.
TDM call for papers: The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA)
TDM call for papers for a special issue on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement ("AfCFTA").
Tunisian parliament urged to pass Africa Free Trade bill
The Tunisian parliament is under increasing pressure to revisit its decision not to ratify the African Continental Free Trade Agreement.
Africa may only see impact of new free-trade deal after 3 years
Target for first trade under continent-wide pact is July 1. Tariffs, rules of origin and protocols for services are yet to be agreed on.