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China willing to accelerate FTA talks with Nicaragua: senior official
China is willing to accelerate comprehensive FTA negotiations with Nicaragua, promoting bilateral development in deepening mutually beneficial cooperation.
China-ASEAN negotiations enter next round
The first round of consultations on the 3.0 version of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area negotiations was launched between China and the bloc, according to China’s Ministry of Commerce.
Why a China-GCC free trade agreement might be a game changer
It would open up opportunities in sectors such as renewables, technology, manufacturing and tourism, analysts say.
China-Gulf states free trade pact high on agenda
Foreign Minister Qin Gang called for a China-Gulf free trade zone to be established as soon as possible in a telephone conversation with his Saudi Arabian counterpart Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud.
Lula urges EU-South America regional trade deal before China talks
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva called for the South American trade bloc Mercosur to urgently seal a free trade agreement with the European Union before negotiating with China.
Brazilian foreign minister: Uruguay’s agreement with China would ’destroy’ Mercosur
Free-trade agreement between Uruguay and China would destroy Mercosur by contradicting the bloc’s integration policies, declares Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira.
US to aggressively push for digital trade rules in Asia in 2023
The goal is to quickly create shared rules for the region, particularly in the digital sector, and to regain the initiative in the US-China contest for economic leadership in Asia.
How Chinese companies are challenging national security decisions that could delay 5G network rollout
A relatively new strategy for China is to challenge national security decisions before international tribunals using a method called investor-state dispute settlement.
US, Taiwan talks raise hopes for free-trade pact, analysts say
Talks under way in Taipei between Taiwanese and US officials could pave the way for the two sides to sign a free-trade agreement in four areas, according to analysts.
China-Sri Lanka FTA: Will it benefit Sri Lanka in the long run?
The Chinese Minister of Commerce, Gao Hucheng, and the Sri Lankan Minister of Economic Development, Basil Rajapaksa, signed a memorandum on the launch of the free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations, officially announcing the launch of bilateral FTA negotiations.
Fishermens’ protest in Pakistan Gwadar port is a bone in the throat of Beijing
The threat of a burgeoning Balochistan region insurrection by fishermen against economic genocide puts Chinese investments in Pakistan’s deepwater port of Gwadar in jeopardy. Instead of the local government, Chinese investors are now the target of this street protest.
US wants Bangladesh to join Indo-Pacific Strategy
The US has been persuading Bangladesh to join in the Indo-Pacific Strategy, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, commonly known as the “Quad”, and the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF).
China hints free trade deal with Mercosur
China says it is ready to negotiate a free trade agreement with Mercosur or separately with any partner of the bloc.
Ecuador reaches trade deal with China, aims to increase exports, Lasso says
Ecuador President said the country has sealed a free trade deal with China, an agreement expected to increase exports and boost growth in the South American country’s industrial sector.
China, Saudi Arabia cement ties with deals including Huawei
Chinese President Xi Jinping hails ‘new era’ in relationship with Gulf as he meets Saudi crown prince, king.
What is the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, about to be negotiated in Brisbane?
Australia is about to play host to negotiators from 14 countries involved in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework over six days in Brisbane.
Algeria and China sign two agreements to strengthen bilateral ties
Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra and the Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, He Lifen, signed on Monday two agreements to increase bilateral cooperation between the two countries.
What ‘friend-shoring’ means for trade in a less-friendly world
The recent escalating series of trade disruptions has called into question the vision of a globalized economy.
Bitter friends: Inside the summit aiming to heal EU-US trade rift
The European Union is up in arms over Biden’s plans for hefty subsidies for made-in-America electric cars, claiming these payments, which partly kick in from January 1, are nothing more than outright trade protectionism.
How Asean can bridge US-China gap and reap economic benefits amid potential flashpoints
A ‘non-aligned’ foreign policy is key, as is Asean’s preference for dialogue and cooperation over the intense rivalry of the great powers.