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Trade for the people
"Trade for the People" briefly covers how the new FTAs, such as the TPP, the RCEP and the EPAs in Africa continue to threaten people’s rights.
South Africa fails to exploit free trade agreement access to massive EU market
So-called SPS – Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary – issues identified as the main culprit. "Sometimes ostensible SPS issues were in fact disguised trade protectionism," said South Africa Trade Minister.
Burundi Government urges EU to remove sanctions
First-vice speaker of Burundi Senate said Burundi will not have the courage to ratify the Economic Partnership Agreement in the context of economic sanctions imposed against it.
Joint communique of the 6th meeting of the ESA-EU Interim EPA Committee
The sixth meeting of the EPA Committee under the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (IEPA) between the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region and the EU was held in Antananarivo, Madagascar on 02-03 October 2017.
East Africa: Fate of trade deal expected in Nov
A decision on whether all the East African Community partner states will sign the European Union-EAC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) will be known in November during the Heads of State Summit.
EU-EAC Economic partnership negotiation underway in Brussels
Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni who is also the current chairman of the East African Community (EAC) arrives in Brussels, Belgium with a delegation from the EAC member states to discuss the issue of the Economic Partnership Agreements.
Kenya in last-ditch effort to persuade Tanzania to sign EPA
Kenya will take its case to the European Union in Brussels in a last-ditch effort to garner support for the Economic Partnership Agreement deal.
EPA as ‘Enslavement partnership agreement’
Tanzania’s former President has warned Nigeria to resist pressure to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement, (EPA), with the European Union, because according to him, such contracts are counterproductive.
Pacific ACP leaders intensify preparations for ACP-EU negotiations
Heads of Pacific governments are moving forward with groundwork on negotiations for a renewed trading partnership with the European Union, as part of the larger African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States.
Colonialism’s new clothes: The EU’s Economic Partnership Agreements with Africa
Though not highly publicised, the EPA has faced continued opposition from across the ACP countries, not least because of its devastating effect on small scale farmers. A new report from GRAIN goes into the details in Africa.
Gambia to sign free trade deal with EU
The Gambia government and European Union have restarted the process of signing a free trade deal, dubbed Economic Partnership Agreement – EU’s flagship trade agreement.
Namibia to sign trade related facility financing agreement
Namibia will soon sign the Trade Related Facility Financing Agreement with the SADC Secretariat to enable the country to develop a plan for implementing the EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
Cameroon: Economic partnership agreement with EU reduces customs revenue
Though government overlooks at the 600 million lose, economists say it is not healthy for the country’s economy which is dangling at the moment and hope to emerge by 2035.
Interview with Yvonne Takang
Yvonne Takang has been campaigning and lobbying against Economic Partnership Agreements in Cameroon at the Association Citoyenne de Défense des Intérêts Collectifs
Nigeria: Trade negotiation office to advise govt on how to resolve EPA challenge
"We have looked at the agreement and we believe that the agreements are situated in the 19th century and we are now in the 21st century," Nigerian govt claims
It’s madness!
Chief Executive Officer of the Barbados Agricultural Society knocks EPA and other trade agreements.
Nigeria’s trade dilemma
To survive and grow its economy, Nigeria’s best option might be to protect its infant industries and grow them to a point where it can comfortably play on the grand waters of international trade. Until then, the EPA might be a right step in the wrong direction.
EAC not to force members to sign EU trade deal
Leaders of the East African Community (EAC) agreed not to force member states to sign the EAC-European Union Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
SA and UK start making plans for post-Brexit trade
Nations agree in principle to implement interim arrangement based on existing EU partnership deal.
European Union woos Tanzania to sign trade deal
The European Union has invited the government of Tanzania for dialogue over the Economic Partnership Agreement impasse that has threatened to derail the trade pact between the bloc and the East African Community member countries.