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investment | BITs

Zimbabwe continues fight in US courts to block payment of US$277m land reform suit
ZIMBABWE continues its fight in the United States (US) to block enforcement of a US$277 million arbitration award to a German and Swiss family which stems from the country’s controversial land reform programme.
Iran, Oman moving toward era of investment cooperation: Minister
The investment agreement with Oman secures new access for Iranian firms to invest in the Arab country while managers and specialists from Iranian companies will be able to work in Omani subsidiaries for several years without restrictions.
How colonialism shaped free trade agreements: the imposition of Western legal regimes (part 2/3)
Colonialism resulted in the imposition of a legal trade and investment regime favourable to European colonial states and companies, which is still felt today.
Dutch bilateral investment treaties: 60 years of protecting multinationals
Nowadays, the Netherlands has 75 bilateral investment treaties with countries all over the world, which mainly give multinationals a powerful instrument that has far-reaching consequences for people and the environment worldwide.
Kenya and Singapore agree to implement trade, investment treaty
Kenya and Singapore have agreed to operationalize a treaty they signed five years ago to improve trade and investment between the two countries.
Would the drafters of the AfCFTA investment protocol kowtow to the interests of only investors?
The recently leaked investment protocol of the African Continental Free Trade Area shows the investor-state dispute resolution will be set out after the adoption of the protocol.
S. Korea, Serbia reach tentative deal on bilateral investment treaty
South Korea and Serbia have reached a tentative deal to sign a bilateral investment treaty aimed at promoting mutual investments between the two countries.
Europe’s disunity over China deepens
France, Germany and EU institutions are at odds over whether to revive the stalled Comprehensive Agreement on Investment with China.
Public services in the crosshairs
The impacts of investment protection regimes on the public services sector in Latin America and the Caribbean.
India, Russia in talks for FTA, BIPA to deepen commercial ties: Russian Deputy PM Manturov
India and Russia are discussing a free trade agreement and a bilateral investment protection agreement.
Air Tanzania aircraft may be seized over $100 million mining compensation claim
Australian-based exploration company Indiana Resources has threatened to attach one of Air Tanzania’s aircraft to force the Tanzanian government to pay nearly $100 million as compensation for a failed nickel project.
Ghana and Netherlands commence Bilateral Investment Treaty renegotiation
Ghana and the Kingdom of Netherlands have commenced renegotiations of their Bilateral Treaty (BIT) in Accra. The current BIT between Ghana and the Kingdom of Netherlands was signed in 1989, and entered into force on 1st July, 1991.
German business calls for renegotiation of China investment agreement
The Federation of German Industry effectively called for a renegotiation of the frozen EU-China investment deal in a somewhat surprising statement.
Singapore, Britain launch negotiations on new investment treaty
Britain and Singapore have started talks on a new treaty that will improve the flow of investments between the two countries. The UK-Singapore Bilateral Investment Treaty (UKSBIT) as it is called will supersede the existing pact that came into force in 1975.
Venezuela and Colombia sign agreement on investments protection
The President of Venezuela signed with the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia an agreement for the promotion and protection of investments between both nations.
India asks 68 countries to renegotiate bilateral investment pacts, Rajya Sabha told
India has issued termination notices to 68 countries for Bilateral Investment Treaties with a request to renegotiate on the basis of the model agreement formulated in 2015.
EU tells Taiwan to forget about a bilateral investment pact even as bloc seeks more chips
Officials say deal unnecessary because ‘stable conditions for investors do exist in Taiwan’ amid reluctance behind scenes to anger Beijing.
Nirmala Sitharaman discusses BIT with Australian trade minister
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday discussed Bilateral Investment Treaty and other economies issues with Australian Trade and Tourism Minister Don Farrell.
China pushes for resurrection of EU investment deal
China has stepped up lobbying of European Union decision-makers to revive a planned investment deal in its latest effort to improve ties with the Brussels-based bloc, but big hurdles remain to put the accord back on track.