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Mercosur – EU joint communique, XXVIII negotiating round
A negotiating round took place in Brussels on 3-7 July between the European Union and Mercosur.
Fumbling towards multilateralism? A first read of the investment text in the Japan-EU FTA
The EU and Japan seemed to have scrapped the classic BIT/investor protection architecture as a model.
EU, Canada agree start of free trade agreement
The European Union and Canada said they had agreed to start a free trade agreement on Sept. 21, paving the way for over 90 percent of the treaty to come into effect.
Report: CETA threatens European Union pesticide protections
A new report warns that the EU-Canada trade deal (CETA) would weaken EU pesticide protections and increase human and environmental exposure to dangerous pesticides.
Italy’s farmers ’demonizing’ Canadian wheat in bid to protect domestic industry
Mobilized by the largest agricultural organization in Europe, the farmers converged to turn up the heat on Italian politicians faced with ratifying the controversial Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, or CETA.
New trade deals jeopardise EU green transport goals, NGO warns
Upcoming free trade deals with biofuel-producing countries in Asia and South America will undermine the European Union’s goals to decarbonise the transport sector.
Dairy industry likely to get more aid after EPA deal with EU
Japan is expected to boost subsidies and other assistance to dairy farmers after reaching a broad accord on its economic partnership agreement with the European Union.
Japan sacrificed cheese tariffs to get EPA done with EU
Japan and the European Union have reached a broad consensus on an Economic Partnership Agreement. How will tariffs change under the agreement?
EU and Japan FTA to boost beef and pork sales
The EU meat industry is quite pleased with the agreement in principle between EU and Japan, on the basis of the preliminary outcomes for beef and pork.
Free trade deals ‘at all cost’ frustrate Spanish farmers
Spain’s agricultural sector is concerned about free trade negotiations between the European Union and third parties. The agreement with Canada (CETA) and ongoing talks with South American trade bloc Mercosur are raising doubts in the Iberian countryside.
EU and Japan promise to commit to free trade deal
The political deal does not mean the pair are yet close to agreeing a full trade treaty. Talks have been ongoing for four years and tough further discussion can be expected.
EU trade policy: Time to end corporate protectionism
The EU-Japan trade agreement is the latest example of an EU trade policy that benefits global corporations at the expense of people and the planet.
The trade-off with EU
The EU now wants to negotiate the Bilateral Investment Treaty before it starts negotiating the EU-India BTIA. This poses an impasse because India will not accept one of the clauses which allows EU investors to challenge the government in front of an international tribunal.
ACEA: Automobile industry calls for balanced outcome in EU-Japan FTA
Ahead of a possible bilateral EU-Japan summit to conclude negotiations on a free trade agreement, the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) calls on negotiators to ensure a balanced outcome for the European automobile sector.
Abe expected to agree EU-Japan trade deal on Thursday - EU
The European Union and Japan expect to commit to signing a free trade deal on the eve of a G20 summit in what both see as a push back against a feared U.S. turn toward protectionism under President Donald Trump.
Japan moots low-tariff import quota on cheese in EU free trade talks
Japan is proposing a low-tariff import quota on some categories of European cheese in negotiations for a free trade deal with the European Union, a source close to the talks said.
Japan-EU EPA to hinge on leaders’ talks
The ministerial negotiations for an economic partnership agreement between Japan and the European Union that were held in Tokyo for two days failed to reach an accord.
Japan could dump wine tariff to sweeten EU trade deal
Offering immediate removal aims for concessions as ministers meet.
Spain ratifies Canada-EU trade deal after opposition backs away
The Spanish parliament has ratified the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the free trade agreement between the EU and Canada.
More trouble for Canada-EU trade deal, as drug changes delay implementation
Goal of implementing most of CETA this summer slips farther from reach.