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RCEP & agriculture

The RCEP trade deal will significantly impact agriculture and possibly deepen the damage to food sovereignty caused by previous trade agreements including those of the WTO.

The RCEP would threaten livelihoods in sectors like dairy, meat and other agricultural products by allowing duty free imports of subsidised products from Japan, New Zealand and Australia. India, with 100 million small scale dairy producers, and Vietnam are among the countries that will be most affected.

A leaked IP chapter proposed for the RCEP pushes for accession by all RCEP member states to the 1991 Act of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV 1991). Among the RCEP’s 16 countries, only seven are members of UPOV– the other nine (including Thailand, India, Indonesia and Philippines) would have to change their laws. UPOV 1991 provides monopoly rights to plant breeder rights at the cost of farmers’ rights. It makes it illegal, even criminal, for farmers to save seeds of protected varieties. CSOs have calculated that as a result of UPOV 1991, seed prices would go up by 200-600% in Thailand and by 400% in the Philippines.

Agrochemical sales and use in the Asia and Pacific region would also be boosted as a result of RCEP’s market access rules expanding trade in goods. Data exclusivity provisions in the IP chapter may also extend the patent protection periods of such products, putting upward pressure on food prices.

Another clear threat is land grabbing. If adopted, the leaked investment chapter and services chapter of RCEP may each provide that RCEP members may not discriminate against foreign corporations that want to buy local farmland. In many RCEP countries, this is not possible under current law and could have serious repercussions for agrarian reform in the region.

Peasants and small scale food producers in India intensify their protest against RCEP free trade agreement
On 24th October and thereafter, thousands of farmers organized under the Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers’ Movement (ICCFM) and ally groups carried out coordinated actions and demonstrations reject RCEP.
RCEP: A rural disaster
The disastrous impact of the Indo-Sri Lanka FTA and ASEAN FTA on Indian farmers especially in the plantation sector is well known. RCEP would be worse than ASEAN FTA
China urges RCEP members to include India in trade bloc
A Chinese state-run English daily said, “the countries involved in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership shouldn’t lose the chance to include India."
India has to withdraw formally and fully from RCEP negotiations & similar FTAs: Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers’ Movements (ICCFM)
Reacting to the developments in Thailand, with countries in RCEP negotiations deciding to go ahead for now without India, farmer leaders in India stated that this is a good development, and that India will not lose in any manner.
After RCEP, farmers’ body seeks termination of existing FTAs
After prevailing upon the Centre to drop out of the RCEP treaty, farmers organizations has urged the MPs to prevail upon the Union government to terminate the other existing FTA inimical to the livelihood of farmers in the country.
Decision to keep away from RCEP, right move on part of India
India, in recent days, is faced with Hamletian dilemma. To join or not to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a free trade association consisting of 16 nations including India.
Rejecting RCEP preserved India’s milk self-sufficiency’
The decision of keeping India out of the Regional Comprehension Economic Partnership (RCEP) has helped crores of farmers and prevented the likely shift shift of India from a self-sufficient milk producer to importer.
India’s withdrawal from RCEP a breather on many fronts
India’s decision to pull out of RCEP means its policy on access to inexpensive drugs will not be under pressure.
What does India’s RCEP withdrawal tell us? – Analysis
Given the current ease and widespread access to information as well as the social media-facilitated civil mobilizations across the globe, political elites of the RCEP countries should be consistently mindful of such risk from the grassroot level.
Collectively to reject the RCEP negotiations in the middle of a pandemic
Amid the pandemic Covid-19 outbreak with the protocol health of all States, the trade negotiations for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is still ongoing. The Government should use the momentum of the pandemic to assess thorough draft related agreements RCEP.
RCEP will undermine fight against COVID19 pandemic
The 15 governments must consider the adverse impact of the mega FTA and put an end to trade agreements such as RCEP as they only increase protection and power of multinational corporations.
Japan to keep tariffs on sensitive farm product imports in RCEP deal
Japan will exempt its key farm products including rice and wheat from being subject to tariff cuts or elimination in a mega regional trade deal between Asia-Pacific countries including China, a draft of the agreement showed Tuesday.
Fears world’s biggest trade deal could spark conflicts, hurt farmers
An Asia-Pacific trade deal backed by China could hurt small scale farmers, cause more land conflicts, and leave workers in poorer nations without protection as they struggle to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, human rights groups said on Friday.
Analysis | India has rightly shunned RCEP for now
India’s decision to stay out of the China-backed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, Asia’s mega free-trade agreement (FTA), has been met both with a sense of approval and disappointment and divided economists on the issue.
Can an Australia–India FTA succeed where RCEP failed?
Having secured free trade agreements (FTAs) with almost all key trading partners, Australia is honing in on a long elusive but lucrative market — India. Tensions with China, the need to find new sources of economic growth and government policy to diversify trading partners are pushing Australia into India’s arms.
The people of Asia against free trade: “society endures the trauma of debt”
The struggle against free trade has been strategic for social movements, especially La Via Campesina, which has actually built a proposal for food sovereignty to counter the capitalist free trade model for agriculture.
Senate approves draft laws on RCEP, bilateral FTA with China
The senate on September 20 unanimously passed (38-0) two draft laws authorising the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement and the bilateral Cambodia-China Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA).
Gov’t yet to consult with farmers on RCEP
The Federation of Free Farmers (FFF) urged the Senate to defer the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement pending the conduct of consultations with farmers.
New Asia-Pacific free trade deal harmful to PH food producers, groups say
The country’s agricultural groups urged the government to step on the brakes and review the condition of the farm sector before signing up to a new Asia-Pacific free trade deal that will worsen the already dire state of domestic food producers.
Agriculture interest groups declare opposition to RCEP
Farmers, nongovernment organizations, and some members of the private sector said they oppose the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement.