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RCEP & services

India inches towards liberalisation at RCEP
In a move likely to inject momentum into the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) talks, India has indicated it is willing to compromise on its three-tiered tariff schedule.
Public sector unions to oppose Asia Pacific mega trade deal RCEP
On 12 October, the closing day of the Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Fukuoka, around 250 delegates representing more than 70 PSI affiliates from 18 countries resolved to intensify the struggle against the ambitious Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership under negotiation among 16 countries in the region.
Next round of RCEP talks in Japan; India to push for services
During the RCEP talks, India would press for greater market access in the services sector, particularly easy movement of professionals
RCEP - draft chapter on trade in services (Dec 2016)
As leaked by KEI
Headway in services deal unlikely at RCEP summit
Countries in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) are against India’s push for liberalisation in services sectors.
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP): India pushes for greater market access, ASEAN irked
Time and again India has flagged its concerns on the slow pace of services trade.
RCEP: India hardens stand ahead of summit with ASEAN
The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has taken a strong stand that the country should restrain itself from concluding free trade agreement from which it would not gain in the medium term.
Indian resistance could spell trouble for RCEP
India has been resisting pressure from other RCEP member nations to open up 90% of its traded goods to competition. This is due to the reason that the member nations are not ready to improve market access in services, one of India’s core strengths.
RCEP: India in a Catch-22
India’s position in the RCEP is the most protectionist among all the member nations. India has been resisting demands from Korea & Japan on intellectual property clauses, and other nations on opening up markets.
India pushes for concluding balanced RCEP deal that includes services pact
India’s Commerce Minister Suresh Prabhu said RCEP negotiations may be taking longer than expected because of the economic diversity among member countries.
RCEP talks in Indonesia focus on concessions, crafting of sensitive list
As the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) made significant headway in January, negotiating countries in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) are pressured to conclude the trade deal, and they try to make progress in the ongoing talks in Indonesia.
RCEP talks: India ‘unhappy’ with revised service offers, too
India will register its unhappiness with the “inadequate’’ fresh offers in services made by partner countries negotiating the mega regional comprehensive economic partnership (RCEP) as members converge in Indonesia this week for a crucial round of talks.
India to focus on services trade at RCEP ministers meet in Tokyo
Nations have increasingly got entrenched in their positions over reduction in tariffs and opening of market access.
India to push for better deal with China under RCEP
In services sector, India is pushing for business visitor commitment for smooth movement of professionals, according to the government official.
Trade agreements put our right to water at risk
Trade agreements like the RCEP are designed to make it easier for foreign multinational corporations to invest and do business. In doing so, they put the rights of citizens and workers second to profits.
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership spells danger for 1.1 billion women
Australia has yet to show any serious interest in recognising the potential negative impacts of trade policies on gender or take steps to systematically assess these. A gender equitable trade policy is possible. But it would look nothing like the RCEP.