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Delhi divided over Chinese ’threat’
Ahead of Chinese President Hu Jintao’s visit to New Delhi this month, security concerns about firms from his country investing in India is turning into a touchy issue.
Fair Trade Statement on JPEPA, October 2006
The Japan-Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA), signed on the sidelines of the Helsinki’s ASEAN-Europe Meeting (ASEM) held in September this year, sidelines the development needs of the Philippines and further enhances the imbalances in the economic relations between the two countries.
FairTrade-Philippines’ Statement on RP-US Agreement
After concluding the Japan-Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA), the government appears to be pursuing a similar bilateral free trade agreement (BFTA) with the United States. But like in the JPEPA, the RP-US trade talks are shrouded in secrecy.
Another JPEPA deception
JPEPA’s promise of opening up Japanese borders to Filipino professionals may not exactly be true and Filipino nurses and health workers delighted over Malacañang pronouncements may have celebrated too early.
China mulls FTA talks with India
China is considering the possibility of establishing a free trade area (FTA) with India, a senior official with the Ministry of Commerce has said.
US postpones FTA talks with Thailand
The United States government used a Malaysian platform Friday to warn Thailand’s interim government that reinstating democracy was a precondition for the resumption of US-Thai trade negotiations.
Alliance forged vs RP-Japan trade pact
From militants to high society matrons, citizens’ groups have embarked on a joint effort to fight the ratification of a controversial Philippine-Japan economic agreement they fear would turn the country into a “garbage republic” for Japan’s toxic and hazardous waste.
Militants to take fight vs trade pact to Japan
The militant leftist group Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya) is bringing the struggle against the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) right to the heart of that North Asian country—the Diet—to ask its members to reject the onerous trade pact.
Mercosur and EU willing to compromise on trade
Mercosur and European Union delegates begin Monday a two days meeting in Rio do Janeiro with the purpose of re-launching negotiations for a free trade agreement.
A citizen’s guide to an emerging empire
This article is an introduction or guide to PICTA, PACER and the WTO in the Pacific. The ’guide’ gives readers basic knowledge of both trade agreements and the stepping stone function they provide towards the WTO re-colonising the Pacific.
Fair Trade statement on JPEPA
We, at the Fair Trade Alliance (FTA), bewail the lack of transparency in the way the executive branch of the Philippine government is crafting the JPEPA.
China, Africa set up new partnership, sign trade deals
China and Africa have signed trade deals worth 1.9 billion dollars on the final day of a historic summit that saw the Asian giant deepen economic and political ties with the resource-rich continent.
US wants APEC-wide free trade pact: report
The United States has sounded out its Asian and Pacific partners on the possibility of creating a regional free trade agreement as a ‘middle- and long-term’ objective, a press report said on Sunday.
KMP threatens boycott of Japanese products: Farmers’ group urges Japan not to push through with JPEPA
The Japanese government will send its big commercial fishing vessels to the Philippines’ most productive fishing grounds in search of yellowfin tuna and skip jack instead of importing it directly from the Philippines under the controversial trade pact between the two countries.
Thailand negotiating FTA w/ Peru
Thailand will press forward in negotiating the free trade area (FTA) agreement with Peru, hoping to promote the export sector and create gateways to Brazil and Argentina.
Panelists want eight more FTAs, no farm snags
Four private-sector members of Japan’s key governmental economic panel insist that Tokyo should triple the number of its FTA partners in two years.
US-Malaysia trade talks may not meet US deadline — US official
Malaysia and the United States have made good progress towards forging a free trade deal, but negotiations may fail to meet Washington’s deadline to sign a pact, a senior US trade official said.
JPEPA will allow Japan to exploit RP’s tuna resources—group
A militant coalition of fishermen groups protested the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) as it will allow Japanese transnational fishing companies to corner the country’s tuna resources.
India, Norway to concentrate on trade, maritime pacts
After initiating talks with the EU for a trade agreement, India now started discussions with non-EU countries such as Norway to boost trade and investment flows.
EU risks Russian backlash over Georgia trade deal
The EU is considering boosting trade with Georgia in an attempt to neutralise Russia’s sanctions against its neighbour, a move that Moscow is likely to view as a direct challenge to its interests. But according to one EU trade official such a deal would have an adverse impact on the Georgian economy, leaving it open to a flood of EU products and decimating local firms.