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Canada and India explore a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
Earlier this year, Canada’s Minister of International Trade, Stockwell Day, and Mr. Kamal Nath, India’s Minister of Commerce and Industry, jointly announced the agreement of both countries to initiate exploratory discussions aimed at creating a comprehensive economic partnership agreement (CEPA).
’South Africa has no right’
South Africa has no right to enforce ’punishment’ on the other Southern African Customs Union members for signing an interim economic partnership agreement with the European Union, an economist says.
Goldcorp loses bid for $50 mln NAFTA compensation
A unit of Goldcorp has lost a bid to get $50 million in compensation after a US trade tribunal rejected claims the gold miner’s operations were hampered by environmental regulations
Canada, EU launch free trade talks
Canadian International Trade Minister Stockwell Day and European Union Trade Commissioner Catherine Ashton formally launched Canada-EU free trade talks on Wednesday.
Harper touts free trade, shies away from terrorism reports in Colombia talks
As he blasted the "ideological" opponents of his free-trade deal with Colombia, Prime Minister Stephen Harper played down recent reports of a Colombian terrorism infiltration into Canada.
Stop the lethal repression against indigenous Peruvians
Call on the government of Alan Garcia to end the massacre of the indigenous peoples of Peru, and to pay for its crimes.
NGOs claim the Philippine-Japan free trade agreement is unconstitutional
A petition lodged with the Philippine Supreme Court by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) argues that the investment chapter of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) violates the Philippine constitution.
Negotiation of an EU-India FTA: Will India accept TRIPS-plus protection?
The negotiating texts so far known do indicate that India is resisting many aspects of the EU demands of higher IPRs standards. Analysis by Carlos Correa.
Massacre in Peru in the name of free trade
We in America need to be aware of the effects our economic imperialism has around the world. Instead of looking to move away from free trade agreements such as the one in Peru, we are working to establish new agreements, such as those in Panama or Colombia. The pork industry, for example, is lobbying very hard for a Panama FTA, so it can open up Panamanian markets to American pork.
Blood at the blockade: Peru’s indigenous uprising
Protestors’ top demand is the repeal of a series of decrees, known collectively as the "Law of the Jungle," signed by García last year using extraordinary powers granted to him by Peru’s Congress to enact legislation required by the 2006 US-Peru Free Trade Agreement. Under the government’s current plan, oil and gas concession blocs alone would cover 72 percent of Peru’s Amazon.
Perú: Solidarity with the struggle of the Amazonian peoples of Peru!
We ask our libertarian comrades to organise mobilisations and demonstrations outside Peruvian embassies in every country, in coordination with other sectors in struggle, in order to denounce the actions of the State and the multinationals in this country
50 days of protest and one massacre in the Peruvian Amazon
Many Indigenous groups, human rights organizations, and environmental groups have called for President Garcia to step down and have issued calls for demonstrations at Peruvian embassies around the world "until the bloodbath is stopped and the legislative decrees for the Free Trade Agreement with the United States are repealed."
India seals free-trade pact with Thailand
India took its trade diplomacy up several notches with negotiators wrapping up a free trade deal in goods with other BIMSTEC countries, ie. Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Nepal.
EU signs interim trade deal with 3 S African countries
The European Union signed an interim trade deal on Thursday with the Southern African countries of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland.
Canada interested in new US free trade deal
Canada is interested in a free trade deal with the United States that would open up local government procurements to both countries. The interest comes as Canadian companies continue to report difficulties in winning government contracts in US cities because of "Buy American" provisions in President Barack Obama’s stimulus bill.
Striking a proper match: Strategies to link trade agreements and real labor rights improvements
This article makes recommendations for a template for linking trade and labor rights.
Police hostages die in Peru protest
At the heart of the dispute are laws passed last year as Garcia sought to bring Peru’s regulatory framework into compliance with a free-trade agreement with the US. "This has to be seen as one more chapter in the national struggle against the FTA," Mirko Lauer, a political commentator at Peru’s La Republica newspaper, told Al Jazeera.
United States reviews its model bilateral investment treaty
The United States has embarked on a review of its model bilateral investment treaty (BIT). Last updated in 2004, the US closely adheres to the model in its BIT negotiations with other countries.
Fatal clashes erupt in Peru at roadblock
The indigenous groups in Peru have surprised the authorities with their sudden strength and organization and are now threatening to blunt President Alan García’s efforts to lure foreign investment to the region.
India to sign FTA with ASEAN in August
The proposed ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement is likely to be signed at the ASEAN Economic Conference in Thailand in August