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Nurturing trade between African countries crucial to development
Southern African nations have taken steps towards an envisaged $1 trillion (R6.9 trillion) African free trade area but investment data linked to trading indicates a lot of commitment and work lies ahead to achieve the goal, particularly for South Africa as a continental leader.
Mass rally cum public meet against India-EU FTA
A mass rally cum public meeting in protest against EU-India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was held Saturday at the Indo-Myanmar border town of Moreh (Manipur) under the aegis of Hill Tribals’ Council (HTC) and Meitei Council, Moreh (MCM).
PM jetting off to Latin America to build trade ties
Hopes are high that Stephen Harper can help build Canada’s trade with Brazil, the world’s seventh-biggest economy, as he launches a Latin American tour this weekend.
TDRI pushes for fewer FTA restrictions and more pacts
Business leaders and academics recommend the new government ease rules and extend the coverage of current free-trade agreements as well as step up the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks.
Free trade agreements: The dangerous new frontier
FTAs are worse than the WTO because they demand much more, writes Amit Sengupta
Taiwan intends to hold FTA talk with Indonesia
After negotiating with Singapore on economic partnership, Taiwan now studies similar talks with Indonesia to sign free trade agreement (FTA) to be member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
China the big export winner, Thailand ’not fully benefiting’: TDRI
China seems to be the manufacturing base that is benefiting the most from the free-trade agreement with Asean countries, as the value of exports from China to Asean in three major industries have increased significantly over the past decade, according to the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI).
Peru to seek more free trade pacts
Peru’s new Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Jose Luis Silva said Monday he will push negotiations on a number of pending and prospective free trade agreements (FTA).
Chinese opposition not a concern of U.S.-Taiwan FTA: scholar
The real barrier to the signing of a free trade agreement (FTA) between the U.S. and Taiwan is not China’s opposition, but American disinterest and Taiwanese protectionism, a research fellow of the Asian Studies Center at the Heritage Foundation said Wednesday.
US Senators reach compromise on free trade deals
US Senate leaders have reached a potential bipartisan compromise on three long-delayed free-trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea.
Philip Morris v. Uruguay on cigarette branding: Will investor-state arbitration send restrictions on tobacco marketing up in smoke?
Philip Morris asserts that fair and equitable treatment includes a right to a “stable and predictable regulatory framework” as well as rights under treaties in addition to customary international law.
India-EU FTA negotiations at advanced stage: Scindia
Negotiations on a comprehensive free trade pact between India and the European Union, which began in June 2007, have reached an "advanced and delicate stage", India’s Parliament was informed.
India tells EU Nations to commit visa numbers for Indian professionals
India has sought a commitment from each of the 27 member-nations of the European Union on the number of Indian professionals they would allow to migrate each year in order to help India move faster in concluding the bilateral free trade agreement with the EU, a senior government official has told ET.
S. Korea posts trade deficit with EU following FTA
South Korea logged a trade deficit with the European Union last month as imports spiked from the region after both implemented a free trade deal, customs data showed Monday.
India to cut duties on diesel engines, gearboxes from Japan
At a time when India and the EU are struggling to negotiate duty cuts on automobiles, New Delhi will drastically reduce tariffs on diesel engines and gear boxes from Japan under their free trade pact.
Singapore to have more access to China’s service industries
China is key to Singapore diversifying its risks in an uncertain global economy, and that is why the Republic also supports China’s intention to promote the use of the yuan in the global market, said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean yesterday.
Corporations, unions exert pressure over Korea free trade pact
As Congress draws nearer to considering three new free trade agreements, union members are putting pressure on their congressional representatives to oppose them, arguing that they’d cost the state more manufacturing jobs, even as corporate supporters see new hope for quick passage.
Dhaka, KL moving ahead to sign FTA deal
Dhaka is moving ahead steadily to sign an accord on a bilateral Free Trade Area (FTA) with Kuala Lumpur as the ministry of commerce (MoC) has recently sent its "well-guarded position", containing a template on the proposed FTA to the Malaysian government, a top ministry official said.
Saying no to the Colombia free trade agreement
On July 11th, over 200 people converged in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House. All were there to raise their voices to President Obama to say “NO” to the proposed US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CFTA).
FTA between China, Costa Rica to enter into force on Aug. 1
The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Costa Rica and China, the first such pact inked between China and a Central American country, will enter into force on Aug. 1, Foreign Trade Minister Anabel Gonzalez said Friday.