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India-SACU PTA talks likely to conclude this year
India and South African nations are expected to conclude a preferential trade agreement by the end of this year, aimed at reducing tariffs on certain items traded between the two sides.
Indian pharma sector fears India-European Union FTA could imperil local industry
Drugmakers and healthcare activists are worried that the India-European Union Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which is in the works, may contain a provision that could imperil local industry and have urged the government to keep patent infringement issues out of FTAs.
TPP declaration fuels other talks / European nations grow more eager to reach trade deals with Japan
Shinzo Abe’s recent announcement that Japan aims to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations has sparked life into other trade talks Japan has aimed to start, with those for an economic partnership agreement with the European Union the latest example.
Government moves to protect rooibos in EU — eight years on
A French company’s attempt to claim "rooibos" as its own intellectual property has galvanised the South African government into action to protect the term under its talks with Brussels over the EU-South Africa EPA.
See you in court: Russians may sue over Cyprus losses
Russian businesses and banks that face losses from the European Union’s bailout of Cyprus are considering legal action but may have a hard time making a case, say lawyers who are combing through treaties find strategies to recover funds.
Experts call for BRICS free trade pact
"BRICS should consider proposing a free trade agreement at the summit, regardless of whether it’s feasible right now," said Wang Junwen, chairman of the China Association of International Trade.
Amul requests for a relook at EU-India FTA
India’s largest dairy co-operative - Amul - has requested the commerce ministry to relook at the EU-India Free Trade Agreement.
Turkey demands place at table as part of FTA talks
Turkish economy minister said that Turkey needed a place at the table as part of free trade agreement talks between the European Union and the US.
How NAFTA, FIPA and other investment deals put democracy and the environment at risk
A US-funded energy firm, Lone Pine Resources, is using investor rights provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to challenge Quebec’s 2011 moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for natural gas.
Regional FTA quests playing off each other
Japan is entering a new stage in its pursuit of free-trade agreements as it begins bilateral and multilateral FTA negotiations involving its three major trade partners — the United States, the European Union and China.
France threatens to delay quick start of EU-US trade talks
France threatened on Monday to delay the swift start of EU-U.S. trade talks if its red lines on culture and farm produce are not respected.
Why India’s FTA with EU is very bad for its people
Even as India enters the final phase of the negotiations for its controversial Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with European Union (EU), the country hasn’t taken into account the red flags raised by citizens’ groups and development specialists.
Japan, EU agree to open FTA talks in April
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and two European Union leaders agreed in a teleconference Monday to start official negotiations in April on a free trade and service pact in April, Japanese officials said.
Turkish PM sends letter to Obama on EU deal
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama so that Washington would continue talks with Turkey for a free trade agreement simultaneously with the EU, Economy Minister Zafer Çağlayan said yesterday.
Vice minister discusses costs of TPP
Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Bill Cho (卓士昭) yesterday provided general information to lawmakers about the costs and benefits of a potential entry by Taiwan into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), drawing criticism about the government’s preparedness to steer the nation toward securing a seat in the emerging regional economic integration agreement.
S.Korea’s auto body concerned about trade deal with China, Japan
South Korea’s auto industry expressed fears of an influx of car imports as Seoul kicked off trilateral talks on Tuesday with Japan and China to allow free trade between over 1.5 billion consumers in the three Asian nations.
China, Japan, ROK start FTA talks in Seoul
China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) on Tuesday started the first round of trilateral talks on the free trade agreement (FTA) in the ROK’s capital, which will continue until Thursday.
Further steps given by Ecuador to terminate its bilateral investment treaty with the USA
On 6 March 2013, Ecuador’s President, Rafael Correa, requested that Ecuador’s legislature approve the denunciation of the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) between the USA and Ecuador.
Hokkaido predicts TPP will halve output of farm, forestry and fishery products
Hokkaido, Japan’s largest breadbasket prefecture, says its production of agricultural, forestry and fishery products will be halved to 524.1 billion yen if the country joins the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade talks and all relevant tariffs are lifted.