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CropLife America and the European Crop Protection Association discuss joint proposal during TTIP negotiations
CropLife America (CLA) and the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) called for a more harmonized risk assessment framework for pesticide regulations during the fourth round of negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Pakistan, Bahrain to sign BIT
Pakistan and Bahrain will sign Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) in addition to other pacts during the visit of King of Bahrain Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, official sources told Business Recorder.
TTIP ’threatens’ European education quality, teachers say
European students and teachers demand that education be fully excluded from the EU-US free trade deal as it’s the case for the audio-visual sector and this to preserve quality.
‘EU-India FTA needs impact assessment by civil society’
The free trade agreement with India is in need of a thorough and objective impact assessment by civil society, Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has said.
Mexico: NAFTA has not created jobs for us
Dr Robert A. Blecker, a researcher of the Economics Department at the American University in Washington admitted that the North American Free Trade Agreement has not led to economic growth, much less to job creation in Mexico.
Transatlantic trade talks hit German snag
Germany has introduced a stumbling block to landmark EU-US trade negotiations by insisting that any pact must exclude a contentious dispute settlement provision (ISDS).
Supreme Court begins setting rules for review of investment treaty arbitrations in the United States
This is the first instance in which the US Supreme Court has interpreted a bilateral investment treaty (BIT).
EU Trade Commissioner travels to SE Asia to boost trade ties with Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar
De Gucht’s arrival in Hanoi will coincide with the start of the 7th round of talks for an EU-Vietnam free trade agreement, while in Burma the Commissioner is expected to launch negotiations for an EU-Burma investment protection agreement.
World Bank’s ICSID rejects Venezuela "appeal" over ConocoPhillips expropriation
In a 2-1 decision, the World Bank’s arbitration panel has rejected Venezuela’s request for "reconsideration" of its September 2013 finding that it had jurisdiction and that Venezuela was liable for the expropriation of ConocoPhillips’ investments in the Latin American nation.
Canadian auto industry denounces free trade agreement
A union representing about 3,000 workers at the Chrysler Group in Brampton is saying a just-announced free trade agreement between Canada and South Korea poses a “serious threat” to the Canadian auto industry.
Korea continues to push for more free trade deals
Those for — and against — the government’s initiative to sign more free trade deals continue to lock horns and its still unclear whether the government’s on-going FTA negotiations will help or harm the Korean economy.
US Senators shocked by EU’s cheese-name claims
In a rare act of bipartisan unity, dozens of US senators have wheeled into action against what they call an "absurd" European initiative that would force name changes to common cheese varieties produced in the United States.
European Parliament calls for suspension of US data-sharing
The European Parliament has called for a suspension of agreements with the US on sharing of private data in response to the revelations of wide-scale communications surveillance by the US National Security Agency. The resolution also threatens to suspend EU talks on a bilateral trade deal if the mass surveillance does not stop
Canada-South Korea trade agreement demonstrates deals possible without increasing IP protections
The IP chapter of the Canada-Korea FTA is significant for what it does not include. Unlike many other trade deals — particularly those involving the US, EU and Australia — it is content to leave domestic intellectual property rules largely untouched, writes Michael Geist.
Opposition to EU-US trade deal growing as negotiations start in Brussels
British trade unions and campaign groups have written to Vince Cable calling for a halt to negotiations on the EU-US trade deal, as talks began in Brussels.
Brussels 13 Mar 2014 - Rally against TTIP negociations - Join us!
Rally in front of DG Trade, Brussels, against TTIP negociations: Thursday March 13 2014, 10AM. The event is organised by D19/20, Alter Summit, Blockupy Europe*, S2B Network and Attac TTIP.
EU-PH FTA must be comprehensive – UK
The British government would like the proposed EU-Philippines free trade agreement to be a comprehensive one with very few exceptions.
What does the TTIP really mean for workers?
As public awareness increases about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), an EU-US trade deal being negotiated behind closed doors, so too do concerns about its potential impact.
S.Korea, Canada wrap up free-trade deal
South Korea and Canada concluded a free-trade agreement Tuesday, wrapping up a negotiating process that began nine years ago and focused on barriers in the auto and agriculture sectors.