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Groups tell government to stop FTA scare tactics
Several civic groups yesterday accused the Taiwanese government of exaggerating the potential impact of an impending free-trade agreement (FTA) between China and South Korea after the two countries’ leaders concluded talks on the accord at the APEC summit on Monday.
Netherlands – Indonesia BIT rolls back implementation of new Indonesian mining law: The case of Newmont Mining vs Indonesia
The case of Newmont Mining vs Indonesia is a powerful example of how investment agreements, particularly Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs), are used by companies to get exemptions from government regulations and legislation, undermining democracy and development.
Govt urged to evaluate TPPA clauses
The government should evaluate the clauses in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) before they sign it , said the Malaysian Employers Federation.
300 Pinoy nurses, caregivers Japan-bound
Notwithstanding the ruling on the legality of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) that is expected in the coming weeks, over 300 Filipino nurses and caregivers are bound for Japan in an attempt at gaining employment.
Are Comesa, EAC, SADC realistic in plotting Africa’s free trade area?
If one takes a look at the real big winners in this project, it will soon be realized that multinational corporations mostly from Europe, North America and to some extent Asia which have set up base in Cairo, Johannesburg and Nairobi will be real winners.
Malmström: Only minor adjustments to ISDS in trade deal with Canada
Only small changes can be made to an investment protection clause in a trade pact between Canada and the European Union, European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström said on Monday (10 November).
Korea-China FTA signaling tectonic upheaval in domestic financial industry
The Korean government and financial institutions are planning to more than double the ratio of yuan-based trade settlements next year after the conclusion of the Korea-China FTA.
What is the TPPA and what does it mean for NZ?
Video from Action Station New Zealand
’A well-conceived trade pact can open up opportunities for textile exporters’
The Indian textile industry as well as the policy makers are too focused on export incentive scheme for export promotion
TTIP and CETA jeopardize EU agriculture and environmental, animal welfare and consumer protection standards
EU officials state, but cannot guarantee, that sensitive issues such as growth hormones or GMO admissions will not be watered down as a result of TTIP.
TPP trade talks must stop
The ITUC has called on governments to stop negotiations on the “Trans-Pacific Partnership” agreement, criticising the secrecy and corporate bias in the current negotiations.
Iceland eager to reach free trade agreement with Japan
Iceland Foreign Minister Gunnar Sveinsson said his country is eager to reach a free trade agreement with Japan, calling on Tokyo to take “new steps” in this direction.
Transatlantic free trade in the balance
The planned EU free trade agreements with the US and Canada have been clouded by months of uncertainty. Now a compromise appears to be in the making following a visit by the EU trade commissioner to Berlin.
Breakthrough on trade talks, now for India at G20
Australia will claim a breakthrough on global trade liberal­isation at this weekend’s G20 summit, as Tony Abbott reveals that a free-trade agreement with India is next on Australia’s trade shopping list.
Hockey dismisses colleague’s FTA concerns
Treasurer Joe Hockey has dismissed the concerns of a senior Liberal colleague over a free-trade agreement with China, saying he hasn’t even seen the deal.
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and UK healthcare
It is only now, in the context of EU-US negotiations over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), that the health implications of free trade agreements have become a front line political concern in the UK.
Never mind ISIS, it’s ISDS that’s the real threat
If a “high-standard” ISDS is included in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the results could be catastrophic, especially for the environment and people fighting to protect the environment.
US, China still talking on investment treaty
The US’ top trade official said in Beijing that there is more work ahead in 2015 for a US-China bilateral investment treaty (BIT)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi to ink several pacts during Australia visit
Fixing up timelines for concluding negotiations on a bilateral trade agreement is on the anvil during Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s bilateral meeting with his Australian counterpart Tony Abbott in Canberra.
(mis)Communicating TTIP
An internal document shows the European Commission and Council have initiated a coordinated “information campaign” on TTIP. But one thing is missing: a strong case.