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Argentina strikes out in bid to undo $185M BG Group award
The Supreme Court on Monday shunned the republic’s latest appeal in a decade-long battle with BG Group plc, a British energy company that won a $185 million arbitration ruling against Argentina under a bilateral investment treaty.
Protecting Thailand from the hazards of international arbitration
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has said Thailand is in urgent need of an arbitration law to facilitate settlements between Thai and foreign companies, so as to increase foreign investor confidence and prepare upcoming Asean Economic Community (AEC) next year.
National Farmers Federation demands transparent register of foreign investment as China FTA deal drags on
Australian Trade Minister Andrew Robb is holding more free trade talks in Beijing this week, as a decade of negotiations reach their final stage.
New Zealand’s Trade Minister admits they keep TPP documents secret to avoid ’public debate’
When asked why he won’t share the draft TPP texts with, say, medical professionals for input, given that the current leaks suggest it would be a disaster for public health, NZ trade minister says he fears the public debate because it would be "misinformed."
Russell Brand rails against Monsanto & the TTIP
On a recent episode of Russell Brand’s the Trews, the British comedian turned activist spoke with Helena Norberg-Hodge about TTIP and the food system.
New Zealand: All bets could be off for TPP
Concerns continue to escalate that private negotiations between the United States and Japan will bring about a long-awaited conclusion to the talks, but produce a deal that could compromise New Zealand’s market access for dairy products.
US sugar policy: Sweet for a few, sour for most
New restrictions on Mexican sugar imports undermine the government’s negotiating position in free trade talks.
Australian company sues El Salvador for its right to pillage
Australian-based company OceanaGold is suing El Salvador for US$301 million for its “right” to continue operating a gold mine that is destroying the Central American nation’s water supply.
Taiwan to push TPP bid at APEC: president
President Ma Ying-jeou said Monday that Taiwan will take the opportunity of attending the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) Economic Leader’s Meeting to demonstrate its resolve to participate in regional trade blocs such as the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Republican gains could aid Obama’s Asia trade pact
Big Republican gains on US Election Day would be a blow to much of President Barack Obama’s agenda, except perhaps for trade.
Evaluating foreign investment restraints in China
The EU commissioned a review of hundreds of thousands of measures that limit market access and business activities of foreign-owned companies in China.
Legacy: De Gucht negotiated two rigged ISDS chapters
On 15 September Vrijschrift informed the European Parliament international trade committee that investor-to-state arbitration (ISDS) in the draft trade agreement with Canada is rigged to the advantage of the US. Today Vrijschrift informed the committee the same is true for the draft trade agreement with Singapore.
Letter to Modi: Why the new Indo-US ‘bilateralism’ on intellectual property?
Several organisations and individuals from across India have collectively sent a letter to the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, expressing their concerns on the Joint Working Group on Intellectual Property set up between India and the United States of America.
Singapore: The Commission to Request a Court of Justice Opinion on the trade deal
The Commission decided today to request an opinion of the EU Court of Justice on the competence to sign and ratify a trade agreement with Singapore.
Canada’s farm protections a remaining hurdle to major trade deal: US
Access to Canada’s tightly controlled agriculture market is among the main remaining hurdles to a historic 12-country free-trade deal, the US administration said Thursday.
No prospect for Pacific free trade pact agreement at APEC: US
US trade chief Michael Froman said Thursday there is no prospect of clinching an agreement on a contentious Pacific free trade initiative at the upcoming summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.
Calls to ban toxic chemicals fall on deaf ears around the world
“If TTIP is passed along the lines that have been released so far, the EU’s endocrine disrupting chemicals regulations would be postponed even further or completely derailed,” says David Azoulay, an attorney at the Centre for International Environmental Law.
Le Malawi et la Chine signent un accord de libre-échange
Le Malawi et la Chine ont signé un accord de libre-échange qui va porter sur la libre circulation des biens en provenance du pays d’Afrique australe vers la Chine
BRICS: la création d’une zone de libre-échange peu probable (expert)
La mise en place d’une zone de libre-échange au sein du BRICS étant peu probable, les pays membres doivent plutôt renforcer leurs échanges bilatéraux, annonce le gouvernement brésilien