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Indo-US trade deal unlikely in next 4 years: Former White House economic adviser
Despite India being an important partner for the US geopolitically, a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) is unlikely in the next four years regardless of who wins the upcoming presidential elections
East African partners throw Kenya under the bus in Brexit talks
Meetings called to negotiate a collective trade agreement between the EAC and the United Kingdom have failed to make any substantive progress.
Trade deals handing Japanese seeds to multinational corporations
Japan need a policy that is based on a major shift from industrial agriculture to agroecology by small farmers. For this to be possible Japan must pull out of TPP and other similar FTAs.
Corporate trade deals: A history of resistance
From the Seattle protests against the WTO, to the defeat of TTIP and the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the attempt to impose corporate trade deals has often created moments of crisis for the system.
Ukraine renewables feed-in tariff reduction could lead to investor action
Investors in renewable energy projects in Ukraine are considering legal action after feed-in tariffs for solar and onshore wind power plants were reduced retroactively to 2015, according to an expert.
Time is ticking to stop the EU-Mercosur trade deal
For the EU Commission to remain steadfast in supporting this deal, whilst simultaneously tabling an increase of the EU’s 2030 climate target, is entirely contradictory.
India in the process of finalising FTA with Mauritius: Piyush Goyal
India is in the process of finalising the proposed free trade agreement with Mauritius which is aimed at further strengthening economic ties.
Vietnam, Israel accelerates negotiation for trade deal
Vietnam and Israel are stepping up negotiation for the Vietnam – Israel Free Trade Agreement (VIFTA), which, once completed, would be a major boost for bilateral relations.
PPPs and ISDS: A risky combination
It appears that investors are using investment treaties in ways that can significantly frustrate government efforts to effectively and adequately regulate public private partnerships in the public interest.
Kenya offers EAC partners seat in UK trade deal talks
Kenya has welcomed its neighbours in negotiating fora post-Brexit trade deal with the UK for a duty and quota-free market.
EFTA-Ecuador FTA enters into force 1 November 2020
On 21 September 2020, the Federal Customs Administration announced that the EFTA-Ecuador Free Trade Agreement will enter into force on 1 November 2020.
Indonesia: IA-CEPA - Impact on data localization and offshore data transfers in Indonesia
This article focuses on the treatment of electronic systems and data, such as data localization and personal data protection In Indonesia due to the IA-CEPA.
Liz Truss hails ‘productive’ fourth round of UK-US trade talks
British trade secretary said the UK and US had made “significant” progress in reaching a trade deal after wrapping up a “productive” fourth round of talks.
Taiwan president calls for investment agreement with EU
At the first-ever European Union Investment Forum held in Taiwan, President Tsai Ing-wen called for the opening of negotiations for an investment agreement with the EU.
EU FTA study on the cards
The Trade Negotiations Department is scheduled to propose a study of the long-awaited free trade agreement (FTA) with the EU and present the outcome of public hearings on the pact’s impact to the commerce minister by the middle of next month.
Africa trade pact negotiators to fast-track e-commerce talks
The digital trade, e-commerce talks that were to have been part of phase 3 will now take place alongside phase 2 negotiations
Key EU states worry South America trade pact may hurt Amazon
EU countries remained divided on whether to approve a preliminary free trade deal with South American countries because of concerns related to the Amazon deforestation and the respect of European standards.
Business groups warn ’clock is ticking’ for Canada-UK trade deal
According to Canadian International Trade Minister’s office, officials now are working toward a "transitional agreement" to minimize disruptions for businesses and workers.
Nigeria set to ratify AfCFTA agreement – Minister
Nigeria is currently in the process of ensuring the ratification of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement, the minister of trade, Niyi Adebayo, said.
Can Cambodia fill the gap left by EU sanctions with China FTA?
As China’s hard-handed diplomacy deepens its rifts with not only the U.S. and Australia, but also a previously friendly Europe, Cambodia has drawn attention as an example of how smaller countries can navigate the growing global divide.