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Japan blocks green reform of major energy investment treaty
The Japanese government is blocking reform of a treaty that allows energy companies to sue nation states when climate policies affect their profits.
Japan wants to reach broad agreement on trade with UK this week: government official
Japan wants to reach broad consensus with the United Kingdom on trade this week, a Japanese government official said, signalling Tokyo’s desire to make progress on the bilateral trade deal before a change in government.
UK-Canada trade deal back in focus as talks restart
Hopes of securing a post-Brexit free trade deal with Canada were given a boost after trade secretary Liz Truss announced the UK had kickstarted discussions.
Kenya’s tariff dilemma in trade talks with US
Tariffs remain Kenya’s main trade policy instrument while juggling between boosting international trade and cushioning local producers from external competition.
Rights activists want Swiss-Chinese trade deal to be overhauled
Campaigners are urging the Swiss government to renegotiate a six-year-old free trade agreement with China to try to improve human rights and labour conditions for its Uighur Muslim minority.
Taiwan opposition pushes pork referendum, could threaten US trade deal
Taiwan’s main opposition party began a push for a referendum to block the easing of restrictions on US pork imports, which if passed could threaten a long-mooted free trade deal with the US.
How the little-known Energy Charter Treaty is holding environmental policy hostage
Is it possible to take urgently needed action on climate change while simultaneously protecting the fossil fuel industry, the very cause of climate imbalance?
Brexit: Boris Johnson to override EU withdrawal agreement
Johnson will put an ultimatum to negotiators this week, saying the UK and Europe must agree a post-Brexit trade deal by 15 October or Britain will walk away for good.
Mandatory investor-state conciliation in new international investment treaties: innovation and interpretation
In recent years, mediation has been actively discussed for the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) regime, particularly as a means of reducing costs and delays.
China to import agricultural products from Pakistan under FTA
In meeting with the foreign minister, Chinese envoy says the country will collaborate with Pakistan in setting up Agriculture Technology Centers, Joint Research Centre for Plant Pest and Disease Control
Chile seeks to resume FTA negotiations with South Korea
Chile’s official recently visited South Korea, with the intention of resuming the negotiations to update the FTA between both countries that were interrupted by the pandemic.
It’s time to transform. It’s time to globalize solidarity, localize agriculture!
Time has come for us to take back control of our food systems and promote local production of our food systems.
Empirical data on ISDS in the CIS: who are the main winners and losers?
In the 2000s, the region has seen a significant increase in the number of investor-state disputes.
Next round of UK-US trade talks to begin on September 8: UK minister
Britain has prioritised striking a trade deal with the United States as it seeks to carve out new business relationships around the world following its exit from the European Union, and with it all EU-negotiated trade deals.
Investor-state claims in era of COVID-19 pandemic
With state measures in response to COVID-19 being compounded by an already difficult economic environment for investors, they may have little choice but to challenge those measures.
AFL-CIO chief says union to file labor complaint under USMCA this month
The AFL-CIO is planning to file labor complaints against Mexico this month under the new US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement’s labor enforcement mechanism, the US union’s president said.
KVV Liepājas metalurgs vs. Latvia case put on hold
The case KVV Liepājas metalurgs owner Yevgenij Kazmin had against the state of Latvia has been put on hold, according to information from the State Chancellery.
Cambodia, South Korea wrap up second round of FTA Talks
Cambodia and South Korea ended the second round of their negotiations on free trade agreement (FTA) today with progress on finished the chapter of trade cooperation and market access and other chapters of the agreement.
Mining companies dominate ISDS treaty-shopping claims from Australian companies
Australia, with its many Bilateral Investment Treaties and FTAs, contributes to a system of treaty shopping by mining companies looking to sue governments over unfavourable decisions.
Project finance protected as foreign investment in investor-state arbitration in Mexico
For the first time, an ISDS tribunal has qualified project finance as a foreign investment protected under an investment treaty.