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Focus on: TTIP, food & farming

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European Milk Board rejects TTIP agreement
European milk producers are calling for the Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement negotiations between the USA and the EU "to cease immediately."
TTIP agreement may be too big not to happen, says USDA
The US and the European Union may be too big for a free-trade deal not to happen, says USDA chief economist Joseph Glauber
French concerns over geographical indications will hamper TTIP talks
Wine is a casus belli for the French government, who may block transatlantic negotiations if geographical indications are not protected. EurActiv France reports.
US says ’science’ should settle trans-Atlantic food trade rules
When US farm lobbyists push for "sound science" as the basis for food supply trade rules, what they mean by this term is that they want Europe to eliminate all restrictions on imports of food from the US, and to adopt a US-style food supply regulatory regime, stripped of the precautionary principle.
Yes to a sustainable trade policy – no to the TTIP
This short publication highlights some of the potential risks that the EU-US free trade agreement represents to the developing and emerging countries.
Juncker states his opposition to fracking
Asked about the trade deal the Commission is currently negotiating with the US, which campaigners fear will allow private companies to challenge the EU’s environmental rules, Mr Juncker stressed that the normal, publicly accountable, court system should be used instead of private courts or arbitration panels.
Peroxyacetic acid rinsing of poultry meat - BEUC position paper published
BEUC has just published its position paper on the use of peroxyacetic acid rinses of poultry meat. This chemical wash is currently banned in the EU. However, pressure from the United States might reverse the trend.
American poultry standards draw criticism at trade talks
At a stakeholder hearing in Brussels, the US chief negotiator on TTIP, Daniel Mullaney, argued that chlorine­-washed chicken offered consumers a safe alternative
Leaked document reveals US-EU trade agreement threatens public health, food safety
A draft chapter of the US-EU trade agreement leaked today by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy reveals public health and food safety could be at risk, according to an accompanying analysis.
EU sugar industry fears import pressures In TTIP talks
Europe’s sugar industry fears there could be sugar imports from the combined US and Mexican market if sugar is becomes part of the ongoing Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations.