Counter Punch
The corporate media would prefer that people know nothing about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the US-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and other trade deals.
Enkrateia Project
This meeting will enable us to improve the coordination of our European network and study its joint strategy in 2015, a year in which the TTIP/CETA/TISA/ISDS will be on the political agenda throughout much of Europe.
Chemical Watch
The German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) is worried that the stated aim of the EU-US negotiations for a free trade agreement to bring regulations and standards as close together as possible, may lower environmental standards in the EU.
A new briefing by AITEC and CEO explains why TTIP, and especially regulatory cooperation, could put a stranglehold on our ability to create the energy transition required to tackle climate change.
Friends of the Earth
U.S. and European Union trade negotiators appear to be actively considering adopting the agenda of chemical and pesticide industry lobbyists.
East Anglia Daily Times
Parts of a controversial new trade deal being negotiated between the European Union and the United States are illegal, it has been claimed.
Global Development And Environment Institute
TTIP is intended to remove “non-tariff barriers to trade”. But the barriers it is targeting are democratically adopted regulations, preventing or correcting damages that would result from unregulated private markets.
Huffington Post
In 2015, new trade and investment cases, leaks and texts all demonstrated how trade rules present a significant threat to our environment and climate.