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Focus on: TTIP leaks & official docs

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The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and UK healthcare
It is only now, in the context of EU-US negotiations over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), that the health implications of free trade agreements have become a front line political concern in the UK.
NSA’s surveillance a ’trade barrier’ for EU companies
The US National Security Agency’s mass surveillance is a trade barrier for European Internet companies trying to provide services in the United States, a top EU official said yesterday (8 December).
’We can’t protect every sausage,’ says German agriculture minister over TTIP deal
Germany’s Minister of Agriculture, Christian Schmidt, says some German specialties may be stripped of their regional protection due to a free-trade deal with the US.
The grapes of wrath
The US is among very few countries that allow the Champagne name to be used on wine not from Champagne, France. TTIP may change that.
Cornish pasty ’at risk’ from EU-US trade deal
The proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership could mean that the EU may not be able to uphold laws that protect regional foods
Lowest common denominator: EU-US trade deal threatens to lower standards of protection from toxic pesticides
A new analysis exposes how the American and European pesticide industry is using ongoing EU-US trade negotiations to lower human health and environmental standards in order to increase trade in toxic pesticides.
US, EU agriculture leaders try to ease trade concerns
US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack shared the stage with his counterpart EU commissioner Phil Hogan at the US Department of Agriculture’s annual Outlook Forum and discussed TTIP.
TTIP must not allow companies to sue EU countries for environmental laws, say MPs
A major free trade deal should not allow US companies to sue European nations when they pass environmental laws that hurt their profits, MPs in the UK said on Tuesday.
MEPs want health excluded from TTIP talks
MEPs want to exclude public health services, genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), the use of hormones in the bovine sector, chemical legislation REACH and its implementation, and cloning from the talks.
EU dropped pesticide laws due to US pressure over TTIP, documents reveal
EU moves to regulate hormone-damaging chemicals linked to cancer and male infertility were shelved following pressure from US trade officials over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade deal, newly released documents show.
Cut NHS from trade deal say doctors
Doctors attending the British Medical Association’s (BMA) annual representative meeting in Liverpool have voted overwhelmingly to urge the Government to remove health and social care services from a controversial trade agreement between the EU and US
European Parliament says REACH must not be included in TTIP
Chemical Watch reports that the European Parliament has asked the European Commission not to negotiate on issues related to REACH and its implementation in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the US.
TTIP protest takes to the streets
Healthcare protesters People’s NHS Wales lined several streets in Haverfordwest with placards in their latest bid to highlight concerns over what the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) could mean for our health service.
Data flows in TTIP
Data flows in TTIP could result in a significant weakening of consumers’ fundamental rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data
Trade deal could put Big Tobacco’s interests before public health
The tobacco industry has deep pockets. The industry uses its profits to resist measures being taken by governments all across the world to cut smoking and deaths from smoking.
TTIP controversy: The European Commission and Big Tobacco accused of cover-up after heavily redacted documents released
Documents back up fears that TTIP will allow tobacco giants to take legal action against the UK and other European governments who attempt to tighten smoking legislation
Warning: TTIP could be hazardous to your health
In the case of TTIP, the Faculty of Public Health has identified numerous risks to public health and potential conflicts with the policies called for in its recent manifesto.
Free trade treaties and the health system
While mass media are almost entirely absorbed with cases of corruption, trade and investment agreements slip by, almost unnoticed. TTIP, CETA and TiSA are being negotiated throughout the world, in complete opacity and in the absence of democratic checks.
TTIP poised to gut US states’ ability to protect on toxic chemicals
EU proposals for EU-US trade deal threaten democratic process for protecting people and the environment
All 56 SNP MPs sign motion expressing major concerns about TTIP
Campaigners against the big-business deal TTIP have welcomed the signing of a Commons motion raising major concerns about it by all 56 SNP MPs.