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Perplexing silence hangs over proposed Canada, E.U. trade pact
When Canada’s premiers gather in Vancouver next week, it’s hard to imagine that the subject of trade talks with the European Union won’t come up. The potential ramifications of any deal for the provinces are enormous.
Canada still seeks reversal on seal ban
The Canadian government will not withdraw a challenge at the World Trade Organization despite a call from the European Union to abandon the fight over a ban on seal products, an official said Wednesday.
Trade deal a gamble for municipalities
Last weekend, municipal councillors from across Canada met in Halifax for the annual Federation of Canadian Municipalities convention. On the agenda were infrastructure renewal, how to best deliver social services, and how cities should confront climate change. But if you were following the FCM’s Twitter hashtag Saturday morning, you’ll have seen that trade was perhaps the most controversial topic of discussion, namely the Canada-EU free trade agreement.
Difficult moments coming for free trade negotiations between Canada and EU
The two sides will exchange the second version of their proposals in a few weeks. It will be followed in mid-July in Brussels with the eighth round of negotiations since discussions began in 2009.
Biggest Free Trade Deal Since NAFTA, Ghost Issue of 2011 Election
Most Canadians don’t know it, but our country is currently negotiating the biggest free trade contract since the North American Free Trade Agreement, a deal that could significantly increase drug prices, privatize our water, and outsource jobs easily done by Canadians to foreign multinational corporations. And none of the parties are talking about it.
Election postpones Canada-EU trade offers; now is the time to debate the deal, says Council of Canadians
The Council of Canadians is encouraged the federal and provincial governments have postponed an exchange of offers with the European Union before a seventh round of Canada-EU free trade negotiations next week.
Free trade deal with Europe threatens Canadian autonomy
Stuart Trew tells Redeye that Canadians have a lot to lose if the government signs a free trade agreement with Europe.
Canada calls oilsands controversy side issue to EU free trade talks
The Canadian government is seeking to overcome a potential stumbling block to a free trade deal with the European Union by moving EU objections to the oilsands off the table.
Free trade with Europe could hinge on oilsands, seal hunt
Sealing and oilsands, two issues that have darkened Canada’s image in some sectors of European society, could affect ratification of the proposed Canada-European Union free trade agreement, suggests a report from the House of Commons parliamentary committee on trade.
EU trade deal could cost Canada’s drug plans: report
Proposals put forward by the European Union could add billions in drug costs in Canada annually, a report released Monday says.
Libre-échange: un accord Canada-Europe serait néfaste pour le Québec
La signature d’un traité de libre-échange entre le Canada et l’Union européenne serait néfaste pour le Québec, qui verrait s’effriter sa souveraineté économique, conclut une étude de l’Institut de recherche en économie contemporaine (IRÉC).
Maude Barlow explains why Canadians should oppose the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement otherwise known as CETA
Canada in for $12B windfall with EU deal: Van Loan
The Canadian government’s assertion that a Canada-European Union trade deal will add $12 billion to Canada’s annual wealth by 2014 is coming under criticism from analysts, with one describing it as a "sales pitch" that doesn’t take into account the impact of Europe’s debt crisis and the slide since 2008 in the euro currency.
Quebec Premier Jean Charest defends setting conditions in EU free-trade talks
Jean Charest fended off accusations of being a fairweather free-trader in talks with the European Union — particularly when it comes to lucrative Hydro-Quebec contracts.
Top Canadian official says FTA deal with the EU is imminent
The two sides concluded the latest FTA talks, the sixth round of discussions, in Brussels last week. The next round of negotiations are due to take place in Canada in April.
Canada-EU talks facing delays
Even as Canadian and European Union negotiators sit down this week for the sixth round of free trade talks, a series of sensitive issues—both political and technical—are causing delays.
Protest against CETA at the European Commission in Brussels
This morning the Council of Canadians joined with Canadian allies — the Canadian Union of Public Employees, the National Farmers Union, the Indigenous Environmental Network, ATTAC-Quebec, Alternatives — and European allies — Friends of the Earth Europe, the UK Tar Sands Network, La Via Campesina Europe — in front of the European Commission headquarters in Brussels to denounce the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and the tar sands.
Protesters invade British government office over tar sands trade deal
On Friday morning, a group of protesters invaded Britain’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and are demanding a meeting with Stephen Green, the new minister for trade. Calling themselves the "Big Society Trade Negotiators," they are concerned that trade negotiations between the EU and Canada, due to start in Brussels on Monday, will dramatically boost Europe’s involvement in the Canadian tar sands — the most destructive project on earth.
Trade Justice Network to challenge Canada-EU free trade talks in Brussels, Strasbourg
Members of the Trade Justice Network, which comprises over two dozen Canadian environmental, labour, Indigenous, farmers, and social justice organizations critical of the CETA negotiations, will travel to Brussels and Strasbourg next week to meet with European decision makers and civil society groups to express their opposition to the deal.
From NAFTA to CETA: Canada-EU Deep Economic Integration
While Canada does need to lessen its dependency on the U.S. economy, CETA is based on the failed NAFTA trade model and will only serve to accelerate the corporate takeover of the country.As talks enter their final crucial stages, there are growing concerns over the threat CETA poses to Canadian sovereignty. Coupled with the financial turmoil sweeping Europe, deep economic integration with the EU could prove disastrous.