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Over a period of five years, India and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) negotiated a bilateral free trade agreement — with plenty of difficulty.

Under their initial bilateral framework agreement, signed in Bali on 8 October 2003, the India-ASEAN FTA for goods was supposed to be finalised by 30 June 2005. Negotiations on services would start in 2005 and end in 2007.

After a year’s delay, discussions ground to a halt in June 2006 when India released its ’negative list’ of items to be excluded from tariff reductions — with 900 products, both industrial and agricultural, figuring on the list. (This was down from India’s initial negative list of 1,410 items.) India’s agriculture ministry, in particular, was arguing hard to exclude commodities like rubber, pepper, tea, coffee and palm oil from the deal. Rules of origin have been the other thorny issue.

Two months later, in August 2006, Delhi issued a revised list, pruned down to 560 items. However, tremendous fears about the impacts of the India-ASEAN FTA on farmers continued to rattle the discussion.

By early 2007, in the midst of the new biofuels boom, palm oil became a central blockage point as Indonesia and Malaysia, both top palm oil exporters, struggled to get India to lower its tariffs.

On 28 August 2008, a deal was finally concluded. The agreement was signed in 2009 and took effect (trade in goods) with 5 of the countries and India in January 2010, (Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Myanmar and Thailand). India is pushing – without much apparent process – for a services liberalization deal with the ASEAN countries.

last update: May 2012
photo: La Via Campesina

India-Asean FTA hits a roadblock
The India-Asean Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has hit a roadblock with Agriculture Ministry objecting to inclusion of farm products like pepper, rubber, palm oil, coffee and tea in the tariff liberalisation programme.
India, Asean toiling for pact on negative items under FTA
India and Asean (Association of South East Asian Nations) are struggling to reach an agreement on the list of sensitive items for the proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between the two sides. The sensitive or negative list contains items which will not be subjected to duty cuts agreed under the FTA.
Asean proposes separate negative lists
Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) has demanded that all its members should be allowed to maintain separate negative lists with India in the free trade agreement (FTA) being negotiated between the two sides. It, however, wants India to have a common negative list for all the 10 Asean members.
Asean concerned about India’s position on FTA - Abdullah
Asean has expressed its concern on India’s proposal to exclude a large number of products from tariff concessions under the Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
India, Asean to consider free-trade pact by ’07
India and the Association of South East Asian Nations aim to forge a free-trade agreement by the start of ’07, both sides said after a meeting on Friday.
Asean-India FTA implementation to be amended to Jan 1, 2007
Asean’s economic officials have proposed to amend the implementation of Asean-India Free Trade Area (FTA) Agreement from Jan 1, 2006, to Jan 1, 2007.
Tariff barriers with ASEAN will hurt India’s trade: study
While Singapore will emerge as a major trade partner for India in the ASEAN in services, banking and legal profession, its trade prospects in other ASEAN countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam will suffer because of protective measures, both tariff and non-tariff, which these nations are unlikely to lift until the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between India and ASEAN is executed by 2012.
New rules of origin approach for India-Asean FTA by mid-July
India is set to finalise new Rules of Origin (ROO), the criteria that determine the country of origin of the product, for the India-Asean Free Trade Agreement (FTA) by July 15, 2005.
New rules of origin for India-Asean FTA in July
India will formulate a new set of rules of origin (ROO) for its free trade agreement (FTA) with the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) by mid-July.
India: MTR drafts strategy for FTA with ASEAN
The Mid Term Review of the Tenth five year plan has argued that India should push for free trade areas with various regional groupings and suggested that the country reduce its Most Favoured Nation tariffs to a "very low level" in preparation for the FTA with ASEAN.