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EPA: EU bows to pressure, moves deadline
The European Union may have bowed to pressure from Nigeria and other African Caribbean and Pacific countries by shifting the commencement of the controversial Economic Partnership Agreement from the June 30 deadline to October 2009.
EU targets free trade deals under Swedish presidency
The first trade priority for the upcoming Swedish presidency of the European Union is to close the free trade agreement with South Korea
’Food colonialism’ increasing hunger in Africa
The European Union is coercing some West African governments into allowing European-based fishing companies to deplete West Africa’s fishing stocks in a new "food colonialism" that is now taking place between rich and poor countries around the world, according to British author George Monbiot.
Jagdeo calls for freeze on EPA in light of global crisis
Guyana’s President Bharrat Jagdeo believes there should be a delay in implementing the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) trade deal with Europe because of challenges created by the global financial crisis.
EU trade agreement with Central America may force ACP countries out of banana business
The banana companies in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States maybe forced out of business following the European Union’s decision to negotiate a Free Trade agreement (FTA) with Central American countries in what the ACP Group describes as on “too generous” terms.
European Parliamentarian says Pacific EPAs must be changed
A member of the European Parliament has told the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) - European Union (EU) joint parliamentary assembly meeting this week in Port Moresby that free trade deals initialled between the EU and Pacific countries must be changed to reflect the development needs of the region.
Tread carefully on trade talk with the EU
An interesting new report on the trade and investment deals currently being negotiated between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries reiterates the need to revisit the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs).
Pacific ACP States committed to continue negotiating EPA with EU as single region
The Pacific ACP States have reaffirmed their commitment to continue the negotiations of an Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union “as a single region” based on existing negotiating positions as agreed last March.
Pacific ACP countries keen on single agreement with EU
The Pacific members of the African Caribbean and Pacific group of nations that rely on aid assistance from the European Union say they will continue to push for a single Economic Partnership Agreement, or EPA, for the region.
Guyana gives in
Guyana on Monday signed off on the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with Europe, choosing to do so in Brussels at the headquarters of the European Union Council, five days after its Caricom partners had inked the agreement.
NGO wants Mauritius to stop EPA negotiations with EU
The Mauritian NGO, Rezistans ek Alternativ, has asked the government to stop the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) process with the European Union (EU) in the midst of the financial, food and energy crisis.
ACP Group Risks Disintegration Over EPAs
The Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, Mizengo Peter Pinda, has said that the formation and negotiations of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) are a clear indication that the cohesiveness of the African, Carribean and Pacific Group is being threatened to the "forces of disintegration".
ACP/EU in Tom and Jerry game
The Sixth African-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) States Summit has resolved to take a second look at Economic Partnership Agreements with the European Union with a view to making them more inclusive and to foster integration within the Group.
EPA negotiations is dividing our ranks - Secretary General ACP
Mr John Kaputin, Secretary General of the African Caribbean and Pacific countries, has expressed regret about the split within the ranks of the group with respect to the Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations.
Labour says ’No’ to EPA
Four labour organisations — the African Regional Organisation of the international Trade Union Confederation, the African Trade Network, Ghana Trades Union Congress and the Federation of Labour — have called on leaders of the Africa, Carribean and Pacific countries not to ratify the Economic Partnership Agreement they have signed with the European Union.
Economic pact not good for us - farmers tell ACP delegates
Peasant farmers and some civil society groups in Ghana have called on African Ministers and negotiators to reject the Economic Partnership Agreements with the European Union.
David and Goliath battle
This article explores the current crisis in the EU’s negotiations for new Economic Partnership Agreements with 76 ACP countries. In particular, this article highlights the rejection of most components of an EPA by Pacific nations — who are demanding a reduced ’comprehensive EPA’. This has implications for Africa and the Caribbean, where governments are trying to back away from a full EPA with the EU — to pursue only what might be required for WTO-compatibility.
Protect and survive
Many are aware that the European equation of fair trade with free trade is nonsense, writes George Monbiot
The struggle continues over EPAs
The economic partnership agreements (EPAs) are being given a bad name for nothing, according to Ghanaian parliamentarian JB Danquah.
Third World Network wants government to decline EPA pact
The Third World Network (TWN) has said that it will continue to mount pressure on the government and policy makers for them to withdraw from signing a non-preferential economic partnership with the European Union (EU).