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Why Switzerland is diverging from Europe on a key energy treaty
The European Union will withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty, an international agreement that protects investments in coal and oil. But Switzerland is sticking to the agreement which scientists considered incompatible with climate goals.
EU notifies exit from Energy Charter Treaty and puts an end to intra-EU arbitration proceedings
The EU has taken the final step to exit the Energy Charter Treaty; the Union and its Member States have also reached a formal agreement to put an end to the continuation of intra-EU arbitration proceedings under the ECT.
Russia’s President approves free trade agreement between EAEU, Iran
Russian President Vladimir Putin has approved a law ratifying the free trade agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and Iran. The final stages of negotiations for the establishment of a free trade zone with Egypt and are also underway.
Berkeley seeks $1 bln in damages from Spain over uranium mine dispute
Australian mining group Berkeley Energia filed a request for an arbitration to seek $1 billion in damages from the Spanish government after it refused to give final approval for its uranium mine project.
The tide is turning against the global court for corporations – ISDS
After a decade long struggle by PSI and affiliates against trade rules that put corporate profits before people, victory is in sight!
The global laws that help corporations block climate action
Companies have long used international treaties to try to prevent Global South countries from asserting economic sovereignty. In recent decades, corporations have used such laws to stymie European governments’ attempts to tackle the climate crisis.
Berkeley to take uranium mine dispute with Spain to arbitration
Australian mining group Berkeley Energia will take its dispute with Spain to international arbitration after the country refused to give final approval to a uranium mine near the city of Salamanca.
MEPs support exit from treaty allowing big oil to sue governments over climate action
In a decisive committee vote, MEPs have supported the European Union’s exit from the Energy Charter Treaty over concerns its global investor-state dispute settlement system has been weaponised to sue governments over climate policy. Image d’illustration.
Trade and climate internationalism
Trade deals are used to extract valuable resources from the Global South - but a recent victory shows we can make a difference.
Commission presents parliament with Energy Charter Treaty exit plan
The European Commission’s plan to withdraw the bloc from the Energy Charter Treaty while allowing member states the right to remain if they choose was presented to Parliament.
Klesch Group’s legal paradox
Oil Refiner Klesch sues EU, Germany and Denmark over windfall profit tax while making record profits due to Ukraine invasion.
EU countries to exit energy treaty over climate concerns, officials say
European Union countries agreed to jointly quit an international energy treaty over concerns that it undermines efforts to fight climate change, officials said.
How people power forced the UK to leave the Energy Charter Treaty
On 22 February 2024 the UK announced it will leave the climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty.
Azerbaijan initiates arbitration proceedings against Armenia
A procedural session was held at the headquarters of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague within the framework of the interstate arbitration initiated by Azerbaijan against Armenia based on the Energy Charter Treaty.
Deadlock as member states disagree over withdrawal from Energy Charter Treaty
Decision on whether to part from treaty remains in limbo, with some EU countries wanting to stay and others having already departed.
Energy Charter Treaty plans for expansion revealed in recently posted notes
Notes from the Energy Charter Treaty Conference reveal plans for the controversial Energy Charter Treaty to expand to more oil-producing countries.
Energy giant RWE withdraws billion-euro claim against the Netherlands
German energy company RWE has announced its intention to withdraw its international arbitration proceedings against the Dutch state at the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
A shadowy corner of international law is threatening climate action, UN expert warns
An obscure but far-reaching system allowing corporations to sue governments is being “weaponized” by the fossil fuel and mining industries, according to a new UN report, jeopardizing progress in developing nations.
Ireland must not be subject to anti-democratic ‘corporate courts’ exploitation
There is a coordinated move for EU members to withdraw from the dangerous Energy Charter Treaty but Ireland is refusing to act.
A system of secret arbitration tribunals is undercutting climate action worldwide
A UN expert calls for ending confidential arbitration agreements in development and trade treaties, which are forcing nations to roll back climate, enviro, human rights protections while owing fossil fuel companies billions in damages.