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’New trade policy for America’
The agreement announced today is a fundamental shift in US trade policy and clears the way for broad, bipartisan congressional support for the Peru and Panama FTAs.
US action plan must be opposed, groups tell govt
Thai Aids activists and academics called on the Commerce Ministry yesterday to reject the "action plan" proposed by the United States to remove Thailand from its priority watch list for intellectual property protection.
FTA: The unstated reason for the watch list
The US decision to put Thailand on its "priority watch list" this month was prompted by failed talks on a free trade agreement, as well as the patent-busting of US-made pharmaceuticals, a former US trade official said Friday.
Drug firms against trade changes
US drugmakers, among the biggest proponents of free-trade agreements, are now lobbying to stop Democrats and the Bush administration from reworking pending trade deals to curb provisions that benefit the industry.
Drug makers fear trade deal from House Dems, administration
Research-based pharmaceutical companies could be among the biggest losers if House Democrats and the Bush administration reach an agreement on trade, industry sources said this week.
Drug dispute could lead to trade trouble
The Thai government’s showdown with multinational drug companies over compulsory licensing could result in a downgrade on Washington’s watch list of countries with poor intellectual property (IP) rights protection, trade sources say.
Intellectual property, bilateral agreements and sustainable development: A strategy note
This paper addresses the main threats of the intellectual property chapters in the bilateral and regional agreements with the US for access to medicines, give an overview of the reactions from different sectors to these agreements, and outline some strategic considerations for future action.
FTA: Malaysia imposes terms on data exclusivity for US pharmaceuticals
Malaysia has set some conditions in agreeing to the U.S. request for data exclusivity (DE) for new pharmaceutical products in the bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said today.
Trade pact risks environment, public health
For the past few years, the backers and denouncers of a free trade accord between Korea and the United States have feuded like the Montagues and Capulets. Not surprisingly, the two camps are still polarized on whether the trade pact bringing together the world’s largest and 10th largest economies is destined to be a happy marriage or Shakespearean tragedy.
’Jamu’ makers get ready for AFTA by standardising products
‘Jamu’ or medicinal herb tonic producers in the Southeast Asian (SEA) region are making efforts to standardize their commodities in the face of the advent of the Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA), an Indonesian jamu businessman said.
Colombian study on impact of US FTA on medicine
This is an English translation of a full study done in Colombia of the impacts of its US free trade agreement (FTA) on medicine consumption and the Colombian generic industry. The study study used the World Health Organization’s methodology.
Facts and evidences on the 10 burning issues related to the government use of patents on three patented essential drugs in Thailand
The recent decisions of the Thai Ministry of Public Health to announce the Government Use of Patents on three patented drugs, i.e., Efavirenz (Stocrin®) of Merck Sharp and Dohme), Lopinavir+Ritonavir (Kaletra®) of Abbott Laboratory) and Clopidogrel (Plavix®) of Sanofi-Aventis), based on proposals from the National Health Security Office, have raised several questions among the public and also the concerned partners as well as the pharmaceutical industries, both in the country and internationally.
SAFTA could increase drug trafficking in region: INCB
A negative fallout of the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) agreement could be an increase in the narcotic traffic in the region, said Dr MM Bhatnagar, member of the International Narcotic Control Board (INCB).
High standards of IP protection in MUFTA attracts FDI
Malaysia is currently in negotiations with the United States for a Free Trade Agreement (MUFTA) which is expected to ease the way for attracting more foreign direct investment to Malaysia. Amongst the issues being negotiated is the strengthening of intellectual property rights (IPR) in Malaysia.
Too big a price to pay for an FTA
Letter from the Malaysian Organisation of Pharmaceutical Industries contesting the American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce’s claim that that the country’s generic medicine manufacturers will do better if the Malaysia-US free trade agreement is signed.
Entering into a dangerous battle
The military-installed Thai government is entering into a risky new battle with farmer’s groups and the anti-FTA movement by pressing ahead with the Thai-Japan free trade agreement. Thousands of farmers, environmental activists and medical patients now plan to stage a mass protest next month against the government’s pro-FTA policy.
Coup-installed govt seeks Japan’s approval via rushed trade pact
Despite an earlier announcement that all signing and negotiating of free trade agreements would be halted, the government of Gen Surayud Chulanont bit its tongue yet again, with the issuing of a cabinet resolution on Feb 20 stating its readiness to go ahead with the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA).
KoA No FTA Newsletter #2
Farmers release animals in protest, 500 attend all-night vigil; KoA protest delegation holds all-night vigil, congressional briefing in DC; Limiting access to healthcare: FTA and pharmaceuticals
Malaysia Attorney-General defends generic medicines before UN rights body
Malaysia’s Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani has publicly stated his country’s stand "that generic drugs should not be restricted in any manner". Implying that a US-Malaysia FTA could result in more expensive drugs, he said that Malaysia is not going to negotiate on this issue, and added “we are providing the drugs for free.”
FTA kills! Stop negotiations with USA now!
It was an uncommon sight at the Bangunan Rawatan Utama, Universiti Malaya Medical Centre this morning, when 30-over anti US-Malaysia FTA coalition members suddenly gathered holding banners and placards at the outpatient unit lobby.