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EU-SADC EPA: Frustration between EU and SA boils to the surface as trade deadline looms
Frustration is mounting in relations between the European Union and South Africa, in particular, in negotiations for an economic partnership agreement between the EU and the so-called Southern African Development Community group, comprising Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Tanzania and Mozambique.
Pacific: Trade officials deeply concerned about European offer
Pacific trade officials and legal experts from 14 Pacific Island nations have just spent 3 days examing Europe’s draft agreement in detail and are deeply concerned about the text (audio)
Uganda: Coffee producers are the biggest losers
The pending economic partnership agreement (EPA) between the European Union and developing countries will further exploit Ugandan coffee producers
Japan, EU to study economic partnership agreement
To keep pace with South Korea, Japan will start joint research with the European Union as early as next month on a possible economic partnership agreement, sources said.
African countries stand up to EU
Concern over getting too little in return for what they are being asked to give up has led some African nations to say "no" to some proposals for new trade relations with Europe next year.
Kenya: EPAs could delay EU bid
Uncertainty is looming in Kenya’s horticultural sector following the move by the five EAC member states to sign one Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), which they say could take much longer time than was previously anticipated.
Korea to send draft proposal on FTA with EU
It will specify when and how much Korea is willing to open its agricultural sector, the most sensitive area in free trade talks.
Tanzania hindering regional trade talks with Europe
The East African Community (EAC) is set to sign an economic pact with the European Union ahead of a December 31 deadline to avoid losing the lucrative export markets in Europe, but Tanzania is yet to agree to the plan, Kenyan official has disclosed.
Malaysia: EU hopes to complete FTA in two years: Ambassador
“Malaysia has too many regulations and guidelines which hinders its competitiveness, free market and fair competition" EU ambassador to Malaysia said.
Pakistan seeking parity with India surprises EU envoy
The European Union Ambassador to Pakistan has said that there is a huge difference between India and Pakistan economically, and he is surprised by Islamabad’s demand to be treated equally with New Delhi when asked about the possibility of Pak-EU FTA talks.
The swell of boycott
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has called for divestment from Israeli companies: a campaign aimed at the European Union, which accounts for two-thirds of Israel’s exports under an EU-Israel Association Agreement. The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Jean Ziegler, has said that human rights conditions in the agreement should be invoked and Israel’s trading preferences suspended. This is unusual, for these were once distant voices.
EU-ASEAN: EU upbeat on prospects
Asean and the EU started unofficial talks on the free-trade agreement in Vietnam in July. They are scheduled to draw up a modality framework of the free-trade talks in the Philippines next month. This preparation is before Asean holds official negotiations with the EU early next year.
EAC states avert major dispute over trade agreements with EU
A major dispute between partner states of the East African Community has been averted after the parties agreed that all the five members will now collectively sign one Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union
Tanzania will rue the cost of starting with SADC
With the partner states of the East African Community having agreed to negotiate an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with Europe under one roof, Tanzania may be forced to count the cost of forgoing a relatively successful regional grouping in East Africa against political solidarity with Southern Africa’s regional power base — South Africa.
Africa: Lobbies want talks on EU trade pacts held up for three years
Civil society groups in Africa have called for the suspension of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) negotiations between the European Union (EU) and the 77 African, Caribbean and Pacific countries for at least three years to allow African governments to critically look through other regional initiatives they are already engaged in.
Berlin protesters demonstrate against Israeli products
Protesters held signs reading "No to settlement products" and "Stop the Israel-EU Association Agreement."
EAC states in row over EU trade deals
Should the five member states of the East African Community negotiate an Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union as a single bloc, or should they do so as part of the larger Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) group?
EU wants proposed cooperation pact tied to RP rights record
An official from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs admitted that given the country’s record of extrajudicial killings, the negotiating team is seriously concerned about whether the Philippines may qualify for a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with EU, a requisite for the country taking part in the EU-ASEAN free trade agreement.
Thailand prepares for Asean-EU talks on free-trade deal
"The talks might be called a Closer Economic Partnership Agreement as the European Union wants the agreement as a comprehensive package which will cover not only trade, but also services and investment," Thailand’s chief negotiator said.
“Free trade” to deepen poverty and inequality in Southeast Asia
Statement of the Asia-Europe Peoples Campaign vs. FTAs on the 40th ASEAN Minister’s Meeting in Manila (July 30-August 2, 2007)