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SAMIR case: Morocco, Corral Holdings file for rectification of ICSID ruling
The SAMIR affair, dating back to the refinery’s 2015 closure, has seen Morocco and Corral Holdings locked in a bitter dispute before the ICSID tribunal.
How Chinese companies are challenging national security decisions that could delay 5G network rollout
A relatively new strategy for China is to challenge national security decisions before international tribunals using a method called investor-state dispute settlement.
Sweden opposes Council appeal on Western Sahara court ruling
In a move that surprised no one, the EU Council has appealed the recent EU Court of Justice stopping EU trade and fisheries in occupied Western Sahara.
Huawei takes Sweden to court following 5G ban
Huawei said that it has initiated arbitration proceedings against Sweden under the World Bank Group after the Nordic country banned the Chinese tech giant from rolling out its 5G products.
New impetus to EU-India free trade agreement: Swedish envoy
Sweden’s ambassador to India, expressed hope that the FTA between the EU and India would be negotiated and resolved soon. Swedish diplomats also stressed on innovation and cooperation between entities from their country and India.
Germany to pay nuclear operators 2.6 billion euros for plant closures
Vattenfall will get 1.606 billion euros and agreed to end pursuing a separate damages claim in the World Bank’s ICSID arbitration tribunal.
Vattenfall procedure has cost almost 20 million euros
The energy company Vattenfall is demanding compensation from the Federal Republic of Germany. The costs for the arbitration proceedings could exceed 20 million euros this year.
Romania agrees to pay large compensations to Romanian-Swedish investors
The Government took this decision to unlock the accounts of Romania’s air control company Romatsa, frozen by the Miculas.
Sweden sued for $1.8 billion due to environmental regulation
For the first time, Sweden has recieved a notice of arbitration for banning the exploration and mining of uranium.
Aura Energy files claim against Sweden to recover losses following uranian mining ban
Aura Energy lodged a claim against Sweden to recover the losses incurred from the Haggan uranium project following the country’s decision to ban uranian mining.
EU allows Romania to pay EUR 200 mln compensation to Romanian-Swedish investors
The European Court of Justice on June 18 canceled a European Commission decision dating 2015, which established that Romania’s payment of compensation to Romanian-Swedish investors Ioan and Viorel Micula constituted illegal state aid. The European Commission also ordered the Romanian Government to recover the money already paid to the investors following an international court’s decision.
Sweden hopes to increase commercial relationship with Ecuador
The parties expressed their interest in exploring the possibility of initiating negotiations of a bilateral investment agreement.
US arbitration court can rule on Vattenfall’s German nuclear claim
A US arbitration court has rejected a German government petition that said the panel had no right to rule on a damages claim by Sweden’s Vattenfall. Berlin cited a ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Germany says Vattenfall has no grounds to seek arbitration over nuclear phase-out
Swedish utility Vattenfall has no legal grounds to ask a US arbitration court if it can claim 4.7 billion euros from Berlin for forcing it to halt nuclear production, the German government has said.
Al Amoudi lodges a complaint against Morocco in Washington, D.C.
Al Amoudi recently filed a complaint against Morocco at the World-bank affiliated ICSID thus ending a series verbal threats the Saudi investor has been brandishing since 2015 against Moroccan investment authorities.
Five Nordic countries pitch for FTA with India
The five Nordic countries of Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Sweden have pitched for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with India to increase business ties.
Sweden to vote against new EU-Morocco fish talks
"Sweden considers that the proposed mandate does not meet the requirements of international law", the official government statement reads.
Farmland investments are finding their way to international arbitration
Swedish investor EcoDevelopment registered a claim at the ICSID against the Tanzanian government for revoking a land title amid concerns over the impact on local communities and a wildlife sanctuary.
German utilities win compensation for nuclear phaseout
Germany’s highest court has ruled in favor of three power companies in a dispute over a government decision to phase out nuclear energy. Vattenfall is also suing at the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
The Micula case: When ISDS messes with EU law
This case illustrates the risk that a Member State can be successfully sued by a company within ISDS for merely bringing its legislation or policies in line with EU legislation.