Gobierno del Ecuador
The 11th meeting of the UNASUR Working group of highly qualified experts on investment dispute settlement took place in Quito from 23-26 September at the Ministry for External Affairs and Human Mobility.
Upside Down World
Two projects of regional association are facing off in South America: the Pacific Alliance and UNASUR.
Americas Program
When the Paraguayan Senate approved the “political judgment” against Fernando Lugo on June 22, it unleashed the biggest political crisis in the Mercosur in the last 20 years. The dust still hasn’t settled, but it’s clear that nothing will be the same since the shake-up.
Minga Informativa de Movimientos Sociales
The Union of South American Nations resolved today to put in place a six-point Plan of Action to protect the region from the international crisis that is shaking Europe and the United States.