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Thai Govt urged to put off US talks
Farm advocates, intellectual property rights experts and farmers groups yesterday called on the government to postpone the upcoming round of free trade negotiations with the United States that would focus on intellectual property rights (IP) to avoid the impact on farmers.
Free trade free-for-all
US farmers are already sitting on 700,000 tons of surplus sugar nationally, stockpiled as the result of deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and pacts with the World Trade Organization. Farmers must store the surplus at their own expense and fear those tons could multiply under a CAFTA deal.
Investment regime takes shape
Investment rules are not on the agenda of the current Doha Round of global trade talks. Instead, bilateral, regional and other level agreements are building a de facto international regime for investment.
Australian Govt to get tough on China trade issues
Trade Minister Mark Vaile signalled a major assault on tariffs, quarantine systems and intellectual property laws as part of free trade negotiations with China.
US still hopes to conclude Thai-US FTA
The US still hopes to conclude a long-awaited U.S.-Thailand free trade agreement despite a number of unsettled issues, including the liberalization of the Thai financial sector, US Ambassador to Thailand Ralph Boyce said Friday.
Bilateral agreement on trade likely today: Iran to recruit docs, engineers
Iran is likely to offer Bangladeshi doctors, engineers and professionals jobs in their country. Iran has already prepared a list of 150 exportable products of Bangladesh, which it will import through negotiations.
Dairy connection to free-trade deal
Despite last week’s political hype caused by Prime Minister Helen Clark’s talks with China’s top leadership - much of it fuelled by Clark - there is a big gap between the two sides on free-trade talks.
Malaysia agrees to examine Bangladesh’s plea for reducing trade gap
Malaysia has agreed to examine Bangladesh’s cause of reducing trade imbalance heavily tilted towards Kuala Lumpur as the first day of official level talks of the two-day Joint Commission meeting concluded here yesterday.
India Inc study shows perils of Thai FTA
Fearing a further surge in imports from Thailand under the Indo-Thai free trade agreement (FTA), India Inc has brought into sharp focus the urgent need to look internally and address the disabilities suffered by Indian companies in terms of high cost of production, higher import duties, infrastructure service cost and huge interest rate differential compared with the neighbouring country.
United Nations children’s committee warns about FTA threats
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in recommendations made public this week warned that Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) may negatively affect access to affordable medicines and social services for the poor.
Free trade, the new con trick
It is two years since the US and Australia signed a so-called free trade agreement, and it is nearly 60 years since George Orwell introduced the concept of "newspeak", which describes how politicians often subvert language to make it mean the opposite of what it says.
US has stake in Japan-Mexico FTA
The agreement deserves particular attention in the U.S., not only because it offers insights into future Japanese FTAs, but also because of its long-range implications for integration of North American and Japanese markets.
India hopeful of FTA with S’pore soon
The South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) is expected to be signed by January 2006, while India is hopeful of a free trade agreement with Singapore very soon, said S.N. Menon, Secretary in the Union Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
US cautions EU over Syria deal
Washington has urged the EU to hold off on signing a trade and aid pact with Syria, citing its doubts that Damascus withdrew all intelligence agents from Lebanon and was allowing fighters to enter Iraq.
Local businesses stumble over Angola visas
The issue of trade visas, transfer pricing of goods and the long outstanding issue of the Bilateral Investment Agreement between Namibia and Angola are some of the challenges facing businesses in the country.
Dance with the dragon
Negotiating a free-trade deal with China will secure our interests and smooth the way for further exports.
Seoul plans safety net for free trade victims
Seoul on Friday decided to support workers and businesses that fall victim to trade liberalization, even as APEC ministers in Jeju pledged to back a formula that would drastically slash tariffs in non-agricultural sectors.
No FTA talks until Seoul resumes beef imports: US
US Trade Representative Rob Portman on Friday said Korea must resume import of U.S. beef and lift a screen quota that disadvantages Hollywood films if it wants to start negotiating a free trade agreement with Washington.
FTA to allow Morocco export non-Moroccan textile products to USA
The free trade agreement signed between Morocco and the USA will grant Morocco a waiver from the normal rules of origin and allow the kingdom export textile products from less developed African Sub-Saharan countries.
SA to push for agreement to protect assets in Zimbabwe
South Africa is set to push once more for the signing of an investment protection agreement with Zimbabwe as President Robert Mugabe starts implementing threats to abolish private ownership of land.