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Initial phase of talks with Tokyo to be wrapped in July, says Somkid
Agreement on the initial phase of the Thailand-Japan free trade agreement is expected by July, according to Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak.
FTAs protectionism in disguise: Garnaut
This week, to the fanfare of headlines trumpeting talk of a $24 billion bonanza, Australia and China announced the start of formal negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA). However, the Federal Government’s pursuit of FTAs all over the globe has its detractors who argue that they are a sort of Trojan horse for protectionism and they also damage relations with countries that we don’t have deals with.
Priorities for Indian trade policy
Recent writings on trade policy have focused excessively on free trade agreements/regional trade agreements (FTAs/RTAs) and their usefulness to India. The importance attached to this topic, at the expense of serious discussions on second-generation trade reforms, is frightening.
Zoellick’s visit fails to ease Thai concerns
Thailand was Robert Zoellick’s first stop on a week-long visit to Southeast Asia to discuss economic, security and political issues.
Guatemala to strengthen ties with India
Guatemala has expressed keen desire to expand economic ties with India, and has said that the Government was working towards easing visa procedures to facilitate the visits of Indian businessmen and tourists.
Patterson, Fox agree to joint action on trade promotion
Jamaica and Mexico have agreed to joint action to promote bilateral trade and investment between the two countries, following discussions between Prime Minister PJ Patterson and Mexican president Vincente Fox yesterday.
Saudi Arabia, Singapore to promote bilateral trade and investments
Saudi Arabia intends to sign an Investment Guarantee Agreement with Singapore.
Cuba and Venezuela sign millionaire bilateral trade agreement
Havana and Caracas signed a bilateral trade agreement under which Cuba will purchase more than 412 million dollars worth of Venezuelan products this year.
Nicaraguan parliament postpones approval of FTA
Nicaragua’s National Assembly has delayed the approval of the free trade agreement (FTA) between Central America and the United States, on grounds that its population will not benefit from the deal.
Central America lags on labor rights for trade deal
Sitting in a dark room beneath photographs of union leaders slain in the 1980s, workers at a Guatemalan factory say they have been punched, threatened and followed by cars with darkened windows since forming a union in 2003.
Vigilance related to the Philippine-Japan Free Trade Agreement
While in Japan, our attention has been called to thoroughly examine the free trade agreement (FTA) between Japan and the Philippines
Ambassador denies slavish approach to US
Australia’s outgoing ambassador to the United States denies Australia’s relationship with the US is subservient and a threat to the national interest.
Free trade agreement jeopardises local workers
At least 1000 workers may be jobless within months as two Sydney car-part manufacturers plan to close, or move to Asia, as Australia moves towards a free trade agreement with China.
Trade negotiators keep secret on latest steel proposals
The Thai team overseeing the free trade agreement negotiations with Japan have reached agreement on the controversial issue of liberalisation of steel, according to a source close to the national committee overseeing the talks.
PM confident M’sia-Pakistan FTA will be sealed year-end
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is confident the proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Malaysia and Pakistan will be sealed by the end of the year.
Pakistani PM Shaukat arrives in KL for FTA talks
The proposed Malaysia-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) moves closer to becoming a reality with Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz’s arrival here today to talk terms.
Conclusion on Thai-Japanese FTA expected in July
The head of the government’s Thai-Japanese free trade area (FTA) negotiating team yesterday expressed confidence that Thailand and Japan would come to a conclusion on a free trade deal by July, but said that Thailand’s stance on the issue remained confidential.
AMCHAM to speak for Korean firms in US
The American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, the largest interest group of American companies here, said Tuesday that it will bring issues affecting Korean member companies, including the Korea-US free trade agreement, to the United States government.
Benguet farmers still wary of veggie imports
Provincial officials heaved a sigh of relief when a Philippine-China trade agreement, which covered vegetables and other items, was not one of the documents signed during last week’s visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao to the country.
Australia enters dragon’s den
Despite Australian PM Howard’s glee last week at being the first country to secure Chinese agreement to a bilateral free trade deal, he might find that actually realising an agreement will be a very tough assignment.