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Malaysia keen on FTA partnership with Bangladesh: Reports
Malaysia is enthusiastic about signing a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Bangladesh to boost bilateral trade and investment.
Presidents Ruto, Samia eye trade deals with South Korea
The trip will set the stage for Kenya and South Korea to initiate negotiations for an Economic Partnership Agreement between the two countries.
Trade Minister to sign three Indo-Pacific agreements with 14 countries
The government of New Zealand is set to sign three Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) agreements in Singapore.
US, Indo-Pacific partners holding talks in Singapore on clean energy
The US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework is holding a ministerial meeting this week in Singapore, including major firms joining a "Clean Economy" investor forum to boost infrastructure and climate investments across the region.
Indonesia, EU agree on 11 issues during 18th IEU-CEPA negotiations
The Coordinating Economic Affairs Ministry stated that Indonesia and the European Union agreed on 11 of the 21 issues in the 18th round of negotiations on the Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IEU-CEPA).
US, Indo-Pacific partners holding talks in Singapore on clean energy
The US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework is holding a ministerial meeting this week in Singapore, including major firms joining a "Clean Economy" investor forum to boost infrastructure and climate investments across the region.
Bangladesh wants to start negotiations with China for FTA: Titu
The government wants to start formal negotiation for the signing of a free trade agreement (FTA) with China as the joint feasibility study is complete for the trade deal, State Minister for Commerce Ahasanul Islam Titu said.
An international law framework for climate-aligned investment governance
International Investment and Trade Law should be reformed for climate-aligned investment governance.
New Sierra Club report: Trading away our climate exposes how trade pacts undermine climate action
Report urges elimination of ISDS Provisions, calls for stronger trade policies to protect climate.
NGO wants EU-Kenya trade partnership annulled
A Kampala-based NGO has gone to the East African Court of Justice seeking orders to block Kenya and the EAC Secretary-General from implementing the Economic Partnership Agreement Nairobi signed with the European Union.
Georgia-South Korea hold second round of talks for economic partnership agreement
Georgian and South Korean officials held a second round of talks to negotiate an economic partnership agreement, resulting in “positive” evaluations and deals on “key issues”.
Georgia-India FTA talks may begin post-elections
Georgia has formally approached the government of India to initiate negotiations toward a bilateral free trade agreement, according to a knowledgeable source.
Morocco, Korea hold talks to establish legal framework on trade and investment
Morocco and the Republic of Korea signed a Joint Statement on the launch of exploratory discussions to establish a legal framework on trade and investment between the two countries.
Tanzania, S. Korea signs US$2.5bilion deal
Tanzania will engage in discussions leading to an Economic Partnership Agreement with Korea.
Indonesia, Peru to conclude trade pact this November ​​​​​​​
Indonesia and Peru are aiming to secure their bilateral trade deal this November as both countries seek larger market access outside their continents.
Material information on arbitration decision
The tribunal awarded compensation to ICS Inspection and Control Services Limited for an amount of USD 159.7 million, being USD 9.7 million as principal award in addition to an amount of USD 150 million as interest on the awarded amount.
Russian State Duma ratifies FTA between EAEU, Iran
Russia’s State Duma (lower house of the parliament) has ratified the free trade agreement between Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) members and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
China suspends tariff concessions on 134 items under Taiwan trade deal
China will reinstate tariffs on 134 items it imports from Taiwan next month after the Ministry of Finance said it would suspend concessions given on the items under a trade deal because Taiwan had not reciprocated.
Historic victory: Council gives green light for EU withdrawal from climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty
The Council of the EU adopted a historic decision to withdraw the European Union from the Energy Charter Treaty, an international investment treaty from the 1990s increasingly used by the fossil fuel industry to sue governments over their climate and energy policies.
EU approves economic partnership deal with Kenya
Agreement set to strengthen cooperation with Kenya — recognized as economic hub of East Africa — benefiting workers, businesses, traders on both sides.